You’ll excise me I’ve got an airship navigation system in the oven, and I don’t want it to burn.
Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers
#ff14 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv
You’ll excise me I’ve got an airship navigation system in the oven, and I don’t want it to burn.
Seven Hundred Seventy-Seven Whiskers
#ff14 #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv
I always just imagined my Culinarian with nuts and bolts in his frying pan when I did the Ixal Quests. All NPCs just staring at me like I'm insane and then I take out Engine parts and the NPCs: 😮
Don't worry I'm still using alchemy to make spear heads with the Custom Deliveries.
Thats funny, I just reached stormblood by the way and soon im gonna start leveling my crafting jobs to make the most out of the free trial 👍
Hey Ojosama! Do you do requests? I’ve been wondering where the rest of the other Scion members are after Endwalker. I’m just curious if Hoary Boulder and Coultenet are out there and I just haven’t seen them yet. I know you can find Hoary Boulder’s brother and the girl who was attracted to both the brothers in Gridania, and you can find that girl’s sister in the Astrologian Guild in Ishgard. But that’s all I’ve seen so far.
I can easily imagine that picture of Sora and Woody but with Tataramu shocked and Sezul saying let him cook
I only use culinarian when doing ixal quests just because the idea of cooking an airship is wonderful, one order of fried blimp coming right up
I always found it weird you could craft dyes as any doh while alchemist made the most sense