FFXIV: The Greatest Story Never Told – COMPLETE Guide

This is a full walkthrough for the quest “The Greatest Story Never Told” in Final Fantasy 14. Each puzzle solution is explained in detail for those who want to understand how the solutions are reached.

00:00 Introduction
00:48 Puzzle 1

Find Yayaroku in the Thaumaturge’s guild in Ul’dah. Use the corrected order he gives you to unscramble the 1st clue. Find and talk to the Novice Explorer at the unscrambled location.

HO/OSC/BRA/N’S/EM/CE = Oschon’s Embrace (Lower La Noscea x23, y28)
REN/FLO/SPI/TEL/’S/RE = Florentel’s Spire (North Shroud x15, y25)
AL/TH/SPI/’S/RE/TE = Thal’s Respite (Eastern Thanalan x26, y16)

02:16 Puzzle 2: Start

Your 2nd clue is a code and the name of an NPC in the game. Find and talk to that NPC to get a hint on how to decipher the code.

02:33 Puzzle 2: Isouda’s Path

Isouda is located in Candlekeep Quay (Lower La Noscea). Talk to her to learn that you should reverse the 2nd clue. The reversed clue is a name of a location in the game.

02:55 Puzzle 2: Jahelle’s Path

Jahelle is located in Fallgourd Float (North Shroud). She helps explain that numbers are replacements for letters. 01 = A, 02 = B, 03 = C, etc. Decipher your 2nd clue for the name of a location in the game.

03:27 Puzzle 2: Memenugu’s Path

Memengu is located in Fesca’s Wash (Central Thanalan). He explains the algorithm used to decode the 2nd clue. Decode your 2nd clue for the name of a location in the game.

04:05 Puzzle 2: Solution

You now have the name of a location in the game. Go to that location and search it.

ETAG FLOW ETIHW = White Wolf Gate
New Gridania: x9, y13

SEMALF FO LLAH EHT = The Hall of Flames
Ul’dah: x8, y9

SCITEHTSEA S’EMIATHSE = Eshtaime’s Aesthetics
Ul’dah: x10, y12

260516082518 0418090620 = Zephyr Drift
Middle La Noscea: x23, y26

08051212190218151504 0815120519 = Hellsbrood Holes
Central Thanalan: x15, y14

180504 130114200919 0601121219 = Red Mantis Falls
Eastern La Noscea: x16, y27

GNMKNXDC IDZWDMTOHMKZS AQJCFF = Hollowed Heavenspillar Bridge
North Shroud: x21, x32

GNND NG SGF BNFTQMBKBV = Home of The Coeurlclaw
South Shroud: x30, y19

AQPMYF KZLD GPS RQQHOFR = Bronze Lake Hot Springs
Upper La Noscea: x31.5, y22.9

04:43 Puzzle 3: The Importance of Etiquette

Find the “???” in the Marauder’s guild for a hint on interpreting the 3rd clue. Decipher the 3rd clue to reveal the name of another location in the game and the name of an emote.

05:46 Puzzle 3: Solution

HylLfyr’s cUtthroAts and briGands
Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks, The Astalicia

All foR fen-YLL
Old Gridania, beneath the Leatherworker’s Guild

rope ANd wooD aCross thE gully
Eastern La Noscea, the second bridge South of Wineport

Under tRanqUilIty’s FoOtpathS =
South Shroud, beneath the bridge leading South from Camp Tranquil

cOncealed belah’dian maJestY
Eastern Thanalan, The Invisible City: x15, y17

PulPy, NuTritiOus, And decIDedly DElicious cItruS
Middle La Noscea, near Summerford Farms: x21.9, y15.8

sappHires and peaRls, fortUnes Great and Small
Ul’Dah, steps between Pearl Lane and Sapphire Avenue Exchange

CherIsh the sPinniNg wAter lullaby
North Shroud, Watermill in Hyrstmill

red ligHt amidst the blUe Haze
Northern Thanalan, by a torch near the top of the castle wall: x21.1, y29.4

06:45 Puzzle 4: SWORD + SWORD = DAGGER

Talk to the master of the markets in your home city to learn Winnebaud’s List, which is a mapping of numbers to words.

1 = Pearl
2 = Fluorite
3 = Malachite
4 = Choker
5 = Sunstone
6 = Earrings
7 = Ring
8 = Bracelet

Solve the math puzzle SWORD + SWORD = DAGGER to reveal a mapping of letters to numbers.

S = 7
W = 8
O = 3
R = 2
D = 1
A = 5
G = 6
E = 4
R = 2

09:45 Puzzle 4: Solution

Use the two mappings to determine the item you need for your solution. Equip the item and reexamine the statue.

G of R = Fluorite Earrings
G of O = Malachite Earrings
G of A = Sunstone Earrings
S of R = Fluorite Ring
S of O = Malachite Ring
S of A = Sunstone Ring
W of R = Fluorite Bracelet
W of O = Malachite Bracelet
W of A = Sunstone Bracelet

10:56 Puzzle 5: Interpret Winnebaud’s poem

#finalfantasy14 #finalfantasyxiv


31 thoughts on “FFXIV: The Greatest Story Never Told – COMPLETE Guide”

  1. up to patch 6.2 and the devs still never removed this good for nothing quest. The reward is not worth the pain of this side quest. espacially when you have to pay thousands more gil compared to the measily 10 gil it rewards you with. and no one is going to care about the achievement. actually im pretty sure everyone has forgotten about this quest if they aren't new to the game already. i only remember it because i just helped a friend complete this and he even hated this quest.

  2. Yo thx for this, it's extemely helpful. And goddam devs not giving any rewards for this 😡. Typical ff14, have u runnin around wastin time doin nonsense crap.

  3. A year later… One of the two last things to do .. I just left it alone after a year and 3 months so I decided to come back to it I was like let me see if there's a video on it because when I searched there was no video on it but thank you so much this really helped me a lot tttt .. ty😘


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