FFXIV The Advanced Guide To Bard The King Off Support In 6.4

We are back with another instalment in the Advanced PVP guide series for FFXIV, this time featuring the newly buffed Bard in patch 6.4.

#darkknight #ffxiv #ffxivpvp

Eorzea Collection

Friends in my video –
Bunny: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbebqOr-vOA4VhRMu2ux-kQ

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00:00 Introduction
00:59 Comparison
03:24 Skill Set
09:28 Strengths
09:56 Weaknesses


6 thoughts on “FFXIV The Advanced Guide To Bard The King Off Support In 6.4”

  1. Thank you very much for the guide! I feel getting much better with my bard nowadays, but I have no "official" guide to follow, much more just use feeling and muscle memory lol, I hope studying more of these kits will improve my gameplay.

  2. Being a BRD main, this video pleases me greatly. Especially after the 6.4 buffs and that tantalizingly good LB charge rate. Though, you certainly made me rethink to support my allies with Paean way more often. Great video!!

  3. Mch feels like one of the best dps overall for frontlines now and dancer is pretty good support and aoe. Idk how i feel about bard.. at least queing in solo it doesn't seem to do much.


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