I’ve recently been leveling my other healers on a second character and found myself using this tip all the time! Here’s a quick 60 Second Tip for Teleporting in Final Fantasy XIV. Learn how to use the map to get around Eorzea!
I’ve recently been leveling my other healers on a second character and found myself using this tip all the time! Here’s a quick 60 Second Tip for Teleporting in Final Fantasy XIV. Learn how to use the map to get around Eorzea!
Have a tip that you think would be helpful to other Warriors of Light? Leave a comment on this thread and it may be featured as the next FFXIV 60 Second Tip!
Yesterday i learnd that there is a Teleport menu. Just over 300h into the game 😀
Funny I was using this to teleport for the first 1000+ hours of gameplay, to the point that I forgot that teleport menu even existed. (Not sure if I even knew about it, in those 1000 hours, in the first place)
Honestly my biggest tip that I didn't realize–Apparently you can get to the Gold Saucer for FREE from like, any Airship Landing in Eorzea? So if you're like me and going Mega Frugal to save up for stuff, have Limsa as your home destination, and go to Ul'dah through the Golden Saucer. Once you're at least lvl 30 something you can do the ride from Ul'dah to Gridania on foot, so technically you won't have to spend a single gil to get to anywhere in ARR!
The only area this doesn’t work for is the dravanian hinterlands, since for some reason its the only zone in the game without an aetheryte, you have to teleport to Idyllshire and then walk out into the zone instead. You can click to Idyllshire from the dravanian hinterlands map but it does feel clunky.
Another trick to save gil on teleportation is that, if Return is at cool down, switch to Blue Mage and press Detonate or Final Sting
Short and sweet
You can designate up to three aetherites as "favorites". Those destinations will receive a 50% discount when you travel there.
For the MSQ and job quests, u can click on them directly and it will bring up the map to that location. 1 click then teleport.
If it's teleporting tips.. use the 3 main cities as your favored locations. You'll use them a lot. I kinda prefer Ul'dah as my free location, as I frequent the Gold Saucer quite often too 🙂 You get the free location only if you set up the one-time-password, but hey, bonus security, and a free teleport? I'm all for that.
Knew this but surprised how many don't – great idea for 60 sec tips!
I actually found this out on accident a couple weeks ago. I'd gone all the way through Heavensward without knowing this… I felt like a total dunce when it figured it out, lol
The use of this is also good when playing a Gathering job. You can click on map from the gathering menu for the item and then click on the closest point
I figured this one out pretty early on in the game, but I swear it took me at least 6 months before I realized what the teleportation menu was. I fr used to teleport using the map EVERY time until I realized I could get to places more easily via the TP menu. I even used to go to Gridania and use the airship to get to the golden saucer because I didn't know about the teleportation menu. In stormblood I FLEW all the way to the boat guy to get to the Doman Enclave. I swear I had at least one level 80 by the time I realized the teleportation menu was a thing and a very useful thing at that. I hope you have a video on that one LOL.
It's the same if you play on the PS4, just tap the touch pad until you highlight the quest which would be the only difference here.
I did know this as I teleport a lot! One thing odd though, as I work through the post Stormblood, pre-Shadowbringers quest line, the quest map won't show me the Doman enclave to TP too, it shows me the zone outside (Yanxia I think), and then puts the MSQ icon on the boat to the enclave. I normally use the map tip here all the time, same with gathering too as it works in those maps as well, but the Doman Enclave is different for some reason.
More tips n tricks!! 👌👍👌👍🕺
This would have helped me so much when I first started playing <3 Great video!
You can fly to the Gold Saucer for free, from any of the main three Eorzean city-states. However, Ul'dah is the only one you fly to for free FROM the Gold Saucer. Therefore, if you are either in Gridania or Limsa Lominsa, and you want to go to Ul'dah: just go to the Gold Saucer first. Grab your daily Mini Cactpot, run a GATE if one is available, and then take the airship to Ul'dah. Why pay, if you don't have to?
This is actually an awesome tip for the MSQ, saving a bunch of time and convenience, as the back and forth travel across vast distances gets very tedious.