[FFXIV] Shadowbringers Tesleen Scene Left Me Speechless…

I wasn’t ready…
Follow my socials to catch the next stream and to appear in videos as well!
Thank you to https://twitter.com/ryumaxx_ for art!
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23 thoughts on “[FFXIV] Shadowbringers Tesleen Scene Left Me Speechless…”

  1. i want you to know i was in the middle of the new 24-man for my DRG relic with my friend when you got to this point and i shrunk my game client to like 1/3 the screen so i could watch this during the stream
    i died but it was worth it lol

  2. This part left you speechless? Oooooh. Ooooooooooooh. Now I'm not saying there are plot twists, or you will cry the effin niagara when the villains die or anything like that. But still.

  3. The absolute worst part? Tesleen was still aware, she was still conscious. Meaning she endured not only the stab through the chest, but the aetherical imbalance and the following transformation into a sin-eater. Nightmare fuel.

  4. like primals, sin eaters have the ability to shift ones aether to a dominant making them become out of balance with the other 5 elements, its just sin eaters have the ability to one shot the transformation from balance all the way to extreme light which transforms the physical makeup of the being, while primals depending on how strong they are, can be done in steps, step one is when they temper the soul, step 2, is shifting the physical makeup, similar to sephirots adds, or ramuhs adds too

  5. Me upon reaching Shadowbringers- Oh boy, time to explore new lands, meet new people, and bravely battle new monsters!😀😀😀
    Me after this cutscene- I'm scared, can I go back to the Source?😥😥😥


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