FFXIV Shadowbringers Filler Arc Video

It’s all my fault

Please click these links:
Lucy Pyre YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5VWF53rrEiuYvO5e5Ecn9Q
Lucy Pyre Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/lucypyre

SpudnickMKII YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_8l4pJCzZH68IQ4nN7I_ZA
SpudnickMKII Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/spudnickmkii
(Spudnick told me explicitly that his twitch is more important than his YouTube)

Kougaon YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGe4oE3KCvI8dVG_dbADPAQ
Kougaon Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kougaon_

0:00 – Uhhhhhhh
0:38 – Memes
1:18 – TOS?
2:41 – I see you
4:11 – Literally Unplayable
5:33 – Ultimate
6:13 – Frequently Asserted Questions
6:52 – Thanks for watching


41 thoughts on “FFXIV Shadowbringers Filler Arc Video”

  1. Damn with the truth on the 50/60/70 Dungeon no guaranteed loot drops.

    I just wanted the Wrangler Boots on Sohr Khai hard to finish a Revolver Ocelot cosplay (if anyone knows an easier pair of boots with spurs to get plz lmk)

  2. It was also my fault to think, ill just do a quick leveling dungeon then go to bed.
    This resulted in me getting a level 74 dungeon on my astro with a dancer who did not have a partner
    The dancer also never did any steps, and every pack took forever to kill
    We wiped 3 times on boss nr two, with the dancer never learning the mechanics.

    I would argue the game is toxic for only giving me afk, cheating and harassments as reasons to kick someone, but 45 minutes into the dungeon and we still not had cleared boss nr 2 was harassment against my sleep pattern. I considered many times quitting, but I also kind of wanted the poor tank to get on with the story.

    At least the dance probably cant report me back because the lack of English skills to communicate and read tooltips. Also seemed to only have enogh braincells for less then half the buttons on a dps class with half the buttons of other dps classes in the first place. So I think im safe there

    Dancer main btw and fuck me, why did I have to think I can get a quick dungeon before bed.

  3. I was grinding the swallow’s compass a few days ago and it took me 9 hours of grinding to get the piece of glam I wanted. I swear I got every single other item that could drop at least 2 or 3 times before I got the one I wanted.

  4. For real, 80+ runs of Paradigm's Breach and still no fending cap. I asked yesterday in roulette if I could have it, but the black mage at the bottom of the enmity list got it.
    Then there's O12N which took longer to get an undyeable top than 8 runs of Goodbye World, including Fundamental Synergy memes.

  5. I think he just pronounces it as Ko-gone.
    As a White Mage main, who definitely knows what they are doing, outside of Ults and Savage, you only need Cure 1, Medica 2, Regen, Assize, Tetragrammaton, Divine Benison, and your Afflatus OGCDs (maybe Raise if someone insists on ignoring mechanics). I can prove this by sleepwalking through lv80 and expert dungeons using only those skills for heals/shields.

  6. convinced that misshapen chair is also an anime girl in disguise, his tsundere gap moe is simply too strong for any other explanation. i want to study him in a lab and splice his dna to genetically modify my own cringe and make it stronger

    i mean haha thanks for the shout-out bro i'm definitely calm right now and not at all imploding internally


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