FFXIV Shadowbringers – Everything I Wanted…

Hell of a way to end the arc.

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV Shadowbringers – Everything I Wanted…”

  1. Comparing Fandaniel to Emet-Selch I feel like is an insult to Emet-Selch lol. Emet-Selch is dramatic. Fandaniel is bloody insane incase that laugh didn't make you realize it.

  2. And so it goes. Another high-ranking member of the WoL fanclub joins the Scions, to thunderous applause, and the most Extra of Ascians possesses that most punchable of faces. Man, I remembering literally bouncing in my seat once I finished this questline and had to wait for the 5.4 patch. You ever see that meme of young Deku from My Hero Academia just rocking back and forth in his chair? That was me. XD

  3. I was so mad when they didn’t show Graha waking up, but was absolutely ecstatic when he became a member of the scions! I don’t know if you knew this, but there’s a special interaction that you can trigger in a communication dialogue with Graha about the wind-up exarch.

  4. I love the whole yugioh references when talking about Urianger, knowing his JP voice actor played the lead role of Jaden Yuki in Yugioh GX. Im sure this scene was just a joke reference, along with giving him the AST job.

  5. Pop back in and say "we're good. We're sage. We're done!" My initial thoughts as well. Until afterwards I actually attempted that and neither one could be found. I checked every map in the first but couldn't find Ryne or Beq Lugg.

  6. 8:48 had to pause there but I feel it would be more realistic that everyone would have been fighting and stumbling in dire need to go to the bathroom right about now. I mean how many days has it been seriously? Lmao!

  7. Good to see you enjoying it. They REALLY make you care about your allies in this game. Which is rare these days in a video game. They aren't just bots that follow you, they FAMILY.

  8. 5.0-5.3 is easily one of my favorite story scenarios. So much went into it, from the voice actors, to the writing, to the animations (Especially with the last two cutscenes, yay motion capture), and it all just felt really good.

  9. Graha's character is so great. He was so eager to be a hero, but then sad that he couldn't help you more when you first met, and now he's gone on his own massive hero journey and proven himself to be well worth the title. His dream is finally a reality.

  10. In every game I've ever played, I was always excited and happy to get a new party memeber, but up untill this scene in the Rising Stones gaining a new party memember has never felt like it was the ultimate victory. Thank you 5.3! 😀

    And thank you for taking us along on your journey! There were moments where I could practically hear your smile and it made my own smile even wider in turn.
    Likewise, a certain prediction of yours made me grin extremely wide for how accurate it was. XD


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