FFXIV – PVP Series 1 Ending Soon & Tomestone Changes

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/1a916edcedcf1c0c4749eebe9f36652388b44336


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19 thoughts on “FFXIV – PVP Series 1 Ending Soon & Tomestone Changes”

  1. In other words get the rewards now because you're probably not going to get them later they make it ambiguous to jerk us around so later when they don't allow you to buy it they can say oh but we never said you could

  2. I was today years old when it suddenly hit me that the 'Malmstones' is literally the Eorzean equivalent of 'Milestones'. And it took MrHappy saying the word to finally connect the dots…

  3. as one not interested in actually crafting stuff, i think i'll hold on to my astronomy tomes and exchange them for a quick buck right at the start of the patch before people begin farming and the material value likely drops 😀 win-win for everyone

  4. Not really a hc raider to say the least, altho I did a few savages. But will one 490 gear piece really make all the difference? Its such a minor power increase. I mean if we were talking weapons the maybe, but gear?

  5. I really hope they don't delay the new tomes because;
    A) Don't raid but I like making muh numbah biggur
    B) Ilvls are important, but it isn't like people will be OP AF as a result. the DPS check will be easier, no doubt, but people will still be dropping dead like flies to mechanics like every savage tier.

  6. That moment when you realize you've been reading the word totally wrong because Happy pronounced it. I was reading Causality as Casualty this whole time.

  7. This is my first expansion being caught up for the entirety of the expansion. The tomestone cycle makes sense. Based on historical behavior, is there something similar going to happen with purple/white crafter/gatherer scripts? Or will it stay purple/white until 7.0?

  8. I heard that the unclaimed series rewards like the armour would be buyable with trophy crystals, but still no idea how much it will cost. I'm still rank 20 because I get bored very quickly after only a few matches

  9. Maybe i'm missing something but It seems like the tomestones coming a week early amounts to 1 expensive or two cheap gear pieces based on two full cap outs. Is this difference really amounting to STOMPING the raid tier? Legitimate question as this last tier is my first savage tier. My opinion is that it will hardly make a difference.


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