FFXIV – PVP Revamp First Impressions!

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28 thoughts on “FFXIV – PVP Revamp First Impressions!”

  1. Is the GCD still slow when compared to WoW? This is what turned me off to PVP when it first came out way back during the days of the Wolfs Den.

  2. I just did a match of crystalin and my team won by the skin of our teeth, first the crystal almost made it all the way to our side then we managed to push it back almost all the way their side and then back to us but we ended up winning after we killed their whole team spite the crystal being a hairs breath away from our end, was so much fun

  3. Been having a blast with Crystalline Conflict, which is something I never thought I would ever engage with in FFXIV. The feeling of getting a TKO using the Ninja limit break refresh mechanic is unparalleled.

  4. I hope the devs stick to their method of not so much nerfing but bringing up other jobs.
    Whm isn't too good. Rather the other jobs need to be better. There's a difference

  5. Mr. Happy perhaps you can give me some advice I am a small creator and have been getting hit by Warner Chappell When streaming FFXIV… I know for a fact they are not the rights holders (as the owners are Square Enix), With FFXIV How do I fight these bogus Claims?

  6. Really hope the ranked rewards stay portrait stuff. Probably in the minority but as much of an upgrade as CC is, I dislike pvp at a baseline and how upset I get irl, even if I’m doing well. I like to chase mounts but I draw the line at competitive, so I’m perma locked for the foreseeable future from 20 of them.

  7. I'll probably mention this on your tier list too… but I feel like CCs can be too powerful. Dancer being able to effectively clear people off the crystal which has the potential to be an instant overtime ender with a single button. That has been somewhat frustrating.

  8. If they go with mount and or minion rewards for top 100 like they did in feast, it would kill all interest for pvp. A huge majority of the player base do not like fomo let alone having to slog through ranks for a chance of winning a mount/minion. They need to keep those type of rewards as either season pass rewards or purchasable with trophy crystals.

  9. Solo queues suck and trying to get out of bronze hell is brutal given the randomness of both player ability and team comps. Also they need to add a way to easily black list in pvp – I can deal with losing but I don’t want yet another person who charges 1v5, dies and then spams “nice job” in some sarcastic way to blame the team. (If anyone knows an easy way to blacklist for a situation like that I’d love to hear it). Otherwise I am really happy with pvp now. They did an awesome job improving it.

  10. Actually while the job gear from the crystals vendor are retextured old sets, it seems the weapons are new? They're pretty cool, I recommend the Black Mage cane with the giant eyeball that looks around.

  11. Pvp has brought me back to the game i love how different my character feels in pvp compared to pve. Its almost like every job has a unique identity. Also love hanging in wolves dean and being able to duel. All that places needs is a market board and bam new player hub hahaha

  12. I'm sorry, I can agree with a lot of points, but frontline is a complete mess. Scholars, whm and summoners running rampant everywhere and it's even more chaotic than it was before. It being more chaotic is not a positive.

  13. As you said Mr.Happy, I think a big disappointment with Crystalline Conflict was not allowing a party to que for casual. I get not wanting people to get stomped by stacks but that should just be a concern in ranked. This is an MMO, let me play the new mode with my friends and FC outside of having to make a custom match.

  14. I would love to group up for PvP – however I don't think its a good idea for the optimal health of the playerbase/ experience. I have too much PvP experience to know that in a generally unrestricted SBMM, full stacks of very good and well coordinated players will terrorize multitudes of individuals or less capable groups of players.

  15. I was in a lot of your games and was on your team when you ranked up to crystal

    Im trying to rank up to crystal currently myself, and theres an absurd number of wintraders, pretty much every three matches now theres one person who spams good match and afks in spawn, I lost my crystal promotion game due to that.

    Not being able to derank is both a good and bad thing, especially at crystal, theres a lot of players who are first timing classes at crystal since theres no punishment for doing so unless theyre going for top 100, theres especially this player im meeting with a lot, both on my team and the enemy, they spammed warrior to crystal and then now theyre spamming reaper with <20% winrate

  16. I suck as tank in PVE but in PVP i rule the world! nothing feels better than holdong off 3 out of 5 of the enemy team solo while my tank respawns and comes running. i just feel like an absolute wall.

  17. Casual matches need to have party queues… it would go a long way to helping popularity.

    I mean… literally everything is more fun with friends… sooooo avoiding it is a bad idea.

    Don’t do it for ranked for obvious reasons. But definitely casual.


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