In todays video is the next instalment off solo Frontline this time playing the single best Tank roll for solo players the Ninja.
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Another ninja video! Ninja so good right now.
I love NIN in PvP. I play MNK and NIN in PvE content, and they are both quite enjoyable in PvP, however I struggle to really have fun in the mode. In Frontline, it seems one team is always just nothing but the annoying OP combo of DRK, AST, DRG, instantly wiping out entire alliances. And in CC, I can never seem to get teammates who know what to do. I'm still low ranked, because it's always one step forward, two steps back when I try to do Crystalline Conflict. Its annoying. I want to love FFXIV PvP, but it is insanely hard to.
Some people make it their mission to CC Ninjas to oblivion and beyond. Further than anything ever traveled. So CC that CC turns into dark matter diamonds and back into CC again.
Ninja is probably still my favorite job in pvp. I'm doing my first season of ranked as ninja. I've been up and down Platinum all week. I'm hoping to make it to diamond this weekend. Definitely couldn't have done it without your guides. Thanks so much.
Ninja LB in PvP is super awesome, but it takes a bit of luck and some perfect timing to pull it off right.
love your videos! i play ninja in pvp too.. its hella fun! and been utilizing some of these tactics! definitely helped me improve! ^^