In preperation for my upcoming Monk revisited guide I take my Monk into Frontline Shatter for some practice and to hunt down a Dark knight or two with Ava’s help on Warrior.
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Ava’s PVP Dark Knight Commanding Document
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Awesome showcase of these two classes utilizing their synergies with one another! I usually do the same sort of lockdown with Ninja as opposed to Monk. Thanks for the upload!
Dark Knights aren't people and don't deserve humane treatment.
Aww you got to play with both Ava and Caro im jealous….
This was the most fun I had bullying a lalafell XD
Lmao, this was a great counter strategy.
As a lalafell drk i feel attacked
That lalafell is infamous now on light server😂seen him countless times on frontlines just wiping teams. But hey,all in good fun. Love your videos by the way😊
Yea. Meteodrive is the bane of Drk. Now I am vinidcated in my Monk play style in FL
I don't understand what's happening, what is the counterplay that is going on?