FFXIV | Patch 6.4 | MSQ The Dark Throne! All Fights & Cutscene

#FFXIV #finalfantasyxiv #MSQ Please wait few hours for it to finish processing to HD, i acciddently made mistake and skipped cutscene because controller disconnect, and used to FFXI button layout pressed O instead of X to cancel. I’m sorry! I will re-upload missing scene tomorrow (its the scene before yhstola voice acting with no VA present). Really enjoyed the fights^^ hope yalls day going well!
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/najasalaheem Raid Story here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LF7tz7iL5h4&feature=youtu.be


12 thoughts on “FFXIV | Patch 6.4 | MSQ The Dark Throne! All Fights & Cutscene”

  1. Thanks for the video!

    I'm curious to who or what Golbez is. Was he the mage that got turned into the memoria? Or is he some form of primal?

    And im also wondering if he's the Fandaniel of the 13th because of his laugh and his relation to Zodiark

  2. Interesting that Zeromus's future death probably will make Golbez rethink his ways since his friend's cristal fell into Zeromus and is now a part of it. After he dies the friend and Azdaja will be free.

  3. My apologies for the PS4 Controller disconnects sounds, turned audio down for it, lately my controller has been so worn down esp. after may be 10,000+ combined pulls for DSR, TOP, Savages, EX and playing with friends in XIV over years i couldn't do my rotation reliably on it anymore, sometimes get unintentional inputs with D-pad that i had to be aware of and cancel asap, had to play like this early in TOP prog, so easy for cable to disconnect due to USB connection wearing down after while, that it even caused few wipes. I don't have a PS5 yet, want to for XVI so i can use PS5 controller on PC as well

  4. Thank you for this. I wonder if we will call upon Ryne and Gaia to help balance the aether of the 2 worlds? I hope they don't only use the light from the 1st to defeat Zeromus, but also balance out the darkness in the 13th, while also using the darkness from the 13th to balance out the light in the 1s.


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