FFXIV Patch 6.2 Our Thoughts on Island Sanctuary & Savage Dungeons
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the mammet workers and 6.0 completion requirement leads me to suspect that the island is gonna be a gift from the sharlayn forum, for saving existence possibly?
I am here 1000% for harvest moon style content in ffxiv. my FC will need to leave a Voice Mail once we get it cause I will be MIA 🤣
My thoughts:
Other than that, since I don’t have any expansions past Stormblood in my account, the trailers mean nothing. They continue to ruin the game and gameplay as always so nothing new there…and that’s it. Good to see Brian and Chris covering this; that’s always a delight.
I don't like the requirement of beating 6.0 to access island sanctuary, I was excited to resub and play it but I'm only in heavensward so it's a long way for me to even try it.
W2G confirms I.S. Has housing 😈
I'm gonna take RDM with heals so I can VerCure while VarCure is on cooldown.
I shall name my monkies Chris and Brian. What? That's my and my brothers' names.
Why do they tease me like this, they took away our aoe provoke in shadowbringers and instead of giving it back to us they put it variant. I just want ultimatum back man T-T
See i personally have a problem with the housing Island Sanctuary rewards. It feels like "rubbing salt in the wound" so to speak. Even though they made it very clear it would not be housing… seeing those items there instantly makes me think "Oh here are these cool housing items you earned through playing around on this huge island that you cant place down here because reasons, and have to go win a lottery to use them."
Maybe ameliance gives it to us. House L probably owns a few islands!