Season 18 feast reward. a new patch 5.5 outfit which we think looks absolutely amazing and very detailed.
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#FFXIV #ffxivglamour #patch
I'm so proud to have gotten this armor and worked my ass off on my very first season to get into the top 100. Such a gorgeous set and I have always wanted something like it in the game with that fur mantle and cape. I never want to take it off!
Please don't tie this to feast! OH PLEASE!
Did you not have the gear set for other classes, cause if not whats the point?
Can we still get this?
Give it some big ass pauldrons and you're basically Golbez. So cool.
Too bad top 100 is basically all win traders. WOMP WOMP!
I thought pvp was a dead things in this game?
is it possible to still get this set?
Do you just have to reach top 100 or stay top 100?
As a miqote player sets like this actually drive me a bit much… because I like the overall look of the set, but give me a version without the cape so we can avoid clipping!
I love pvp gear but I dont have enough time for a full season feast Q__Q
The cape is beautiful, love the slight color change.
I want this helmet asap I'm crying MY DARKUNESS AAAHHHHHH
Cool armor until tail clipping cape.
Worthless Squinix. It’s worthless now.
i tried my best to climb on top 100 but, feast is is mixed bag sometimes is funny and another don't. the huge problem is some jobs are more op than anothers, some wintrades dismotivated me..
I need this where can I get it?
Cool armor rewards in a PvP system that is garbage to promote playing this garbage. GJ SE
Did anyone else notice that Ryne's/Oracle outfit video was removed by Square Enix, but all the other outfits are still here? I hope this doesn't mean they're not giving us her outfit…
part of me feels this is a waste on pvp
internally screams in this armour is fucking awesome but I have a life
So this set will be impossible to get whenever season ends? (New to the game)
I ran into a guy just chillin in the middle of nowhere with this set and he had the eyes purple with that dark knight sword thats pink and purple it was sick. edit: I see this guy showed the purple eyes at the end. LMAO
What sword and shield is that???
do you happen to know if you i stil kan get the set for dk? or is it unavailable for ever
Are these unobtainable now?
And sadly will never come back again, because of mentally challenged reasons.
where can i get that gear??
cat tail clipping through the cape killed it