Toolbox: https://ff14.toolboxgaming.space/?id=261787819435861&preview=1#47

There are 2 possible patterns for this mechanic, which can be differentiated by the numbers of the turrets that appear on the north half of the arena. Odds are always north and evens always south: https://i.imgur.com/eQViukO.png

0:00 Harder pattern 1133 or 3311
00:46 Easier pattern 1313, 3131, 1331 etc.


– You need light mitigation, especially for the last turret.

– Tank invuln does not work (!)

– The turrets lock on to the closest target several seconds BEFORE they fire. Once locked on, they do not change their target! You must reach the 4th turret ASAP in order to bait it properly.

– If both the 4th turrets lock on to you, that means your cotank is too far, cotank arrived too slow (did not get there before turret locked on), or you are standing too close to your cotank’s turrets.

– Sprint lasts for all 4 turrets if popped just after the 1st knockback. Alternately, since you do not need sprint for the 2nd turret (the ranged player should have pre-positioned to bait it) you can pop it just after the 3rd knockback as this way it lasts long enough to help you get into position for spread/stack immediately afterward.


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