FFXIV North American Fan Festical Ticket Details

Source: https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/08c262868e21e1a27e73981ebf185639c4f9783e

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23 thoughts on “FFXIV North American Fan Festical Ticket Details”

  1. Lottery is way better than First come first serve and will prevent the high traffic issues and any major scalping, so a good solution. It's pretty common for idol concerts, so a system I'm use to and the RNG is fair.

  2. Big fan of how they took the most popular system in FFXIV—housing—and expanded that so we can no longer just not have a house near our friends ingame, but now we also can’t hang out with them at Fanfest!

  3. This is going to really just favor folks in driving distance to LA, as booking flights/hotel stays on a hunch is going to be a pain. Then again, you can always cancel hopefully, as well as making things tricky for folks to take time off, again, you can just cancel, but yeah. Weird.

  4. I wish people would stop pretending the 20 tabs opened and hope your connection to the ticket website is stable enough to purchase 1-2 wasn't an unofficial lottery already… This system just makes it less annoying and stressful, let's hope the expanded venue allows for most people who participate in the lottery to be able to go.

  5. Initially, I was thinking about skipping. But I threw my hat in the ring since the sails start the same day I’m visiting a specialist for a condition I’ve been dealing with. If things don’t look like they’ll work out and I was chosen, two tickets for general sale. If things happen to work out, one ticket unless I can bully a friend into going. Good luck to all who put their metaphorical hats into the lotto ring (except Viaras and Hrothgars, who throw in some other metaphorical thing?).


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