FFXIV News – Data Center Expansions, OCE Datacenter and Resuming Game Sales

Super-Article – https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/9a6bed5c06ae511c363ece5ead0a98a3986554a2

Recommencements of Home World Tranfer – https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c44ff5d66ab567cbf6ed562740c6fa303deacfdb

OCE Data Center Details – https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/topics/detail/c869743ff4ac134ff2e6ea23a56e00471b385880

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34 thoughts on “FFXIV News – Data Center Expansions, OCE Datacenter and Resuming Game Sales”

  1. OCE DC is cool and all, but I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of cross-region DC travel. It's not like a lot of OCE players have been just isolated and playing exclusively with other OCE players, myself and lots of other players have probably made a lot of friends from all over the place, and a majority of those people will not be moving. While playing with lower ping sounds nice, having to leave that all behind and move to a DC (which may be less populated) doesn't sound super enticing to me.

    I think once Materia drops, I'll remain on Tonberry and see how the population shifts around. I quite like the JP raiding culture so that's one of the main reasons I am hesitant on moving

  2. I find it amusing that the PC release of MH Rise manages to help lower the queues for FFXIV which goes show to that a large percentage of FFXIV players are fans of Monster Hunter.

  3. New NA data center tells me that some certain world's on NA data centers will be getting the Balmung treatment and moving there. Aether prime suspects are Cactuar, Midgardsormr and maybe Faerie. Primal probably has 1 outside of Behemoth and etc. Just my thoughts 🤔 😕

  4. I wonder what exactly they're looking for with regards to cross region travel. I mean, there's already no restriction on making a character in another region, but I guess just transferring an existing one is much less investment

  5. wait so if i play on primal data center will i be able to visit and play with someone on another data center or did i just completely misread that part

  6. To be honest, I don't know if I like it. At peak times, we currently have around 700 queues on the EU servers. That's not ideal, but it's not too bad either. But we also have full servers, a very active PF and it's just nice how busy it is. With 12 new worlds…. that certainly thins out too much. But that's just my opinion. Let's see how it will be. – Thanks for the video mr.happy.

  7. This is a good omen. Once a new data center is added, all the people in Australia and New Zealand and the ocean islands around it will be able to transfer over and severely reduce the amount of players in the other data centers, balancing things out. Also, nice to see the team is going to add a new server to each data center in August to help out since they are resuming digital sales, as more players will start pouring in. Yes, odd you start reselling your game when you aren't prepared for it, but remember that gold is scarce these days so making microchips is difficult. (Dr. Stone reference to how computer chips are made, cotton candy reference.) So it will take time to get a fourth supercomputer to handle the new worlds.

  8. For the NA changes, good that they're not splitting up existing DCs again but then having a DC of only 4 worlds seems problematic. And makes transfers to those new worlds less likely.

  9. So, from what I think. I can transfer to a new world, get the exp – stack it with the armory buff – stack it with the earring buff – food buff? It says I don’t have to create just transfer? That’s like 366% exp?

  10. Oh, always wanted to point out the MASSIVE AMOUNT of CONTENT you've provided over these last few months and even MORE to come! Insane! thank you so much for doing this, us FFXIV players are lucky to have you. Cheers!

  11. It's a really informative post, but I am really disappointed that it will take till August to get more servers in NA. The congestion has really wrecked our raiding experience. Almost every night we saw someone 90 and lost 2 hours of time. I'd really like to see a priority queue if you 90k and log back in within 5 min.


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