FFXIV: New Scion Portraits – 6.2!

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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


31 thoughts on “FFXIV: New Scion Portraits – 6.2!”

  1. If our FC house wasn't capped on items I'd be trying to get them set out in the main area because they're just too damn pretty to only be in my FC apartment. We need more item slots in housing, especially with just how many items they add every single patch.

  2. would love to have all these high quality portraits to buy IRL for my walls at home. What people are we missing now? Lyse? Papalymo? master matoya? Filimin?yugiri, gogetsu? tsuyu? Hien? Maybe the ascians? would love to have villians as portraits!

  3. As much as I like these portraits, the only one in my home (until they add more slots) is the Emperor Portrait they added last patch from the Bicoloured gemstones in Garlemald. Emet-Selch gets to be upset at me from above my fireplace for as long as I wish him to.

  4. I have such a bad feeling about Estinien … and him not getting a "scions" portrait made it worse.
    Somehow I just pray he'll make it into 7.0 (and beyond oc) .
    Stormblood has been really hard for me, don't even wanna think about him being "gone" entirely 🙁

  5. Agreed, these are amazing. And it's a quest reward and not a cash shop item. Simply wonderful. And by the way… if anyone still hasn't been able to get a house, be it small, medium or large… there's plenty of housing available on Materia. I'm on Sophia and got a medium sized house no problem and in my favorite spot.


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