FFXIV Mythbusters | What if Cerberus Ate EVERYONE?

What ACTUALLY happens when Cerberus finally gets to eat everyone? Let’s explore this and more on this episode of FFXIV Mythbusters!

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Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Intro
00:35 (1) Boss Gauges, do they affect the damage of the Raidwide?
04:22 (2) Angra Mainyu’s LVL 100 Flare / LVL 150 Death, do they count Levels?
08:26 (3) What Happens if Cerberus Eats EVERYONE?
12:29 Outro
13:08 Fun Fact


40 thoughts on “FFXIV Mythbusters | What if Cerberus Ate EVERYONE?”

  1. The Cerberus experiment is weirdly interesting. I never would have thought they'd program it this way. Definitely agree with the alternate Cerberus strat tho. In groups with a lot of cutscene watchers, my fc mates and I just always go. (Unless one of us is main tank of course.) There's been several times where we're group B anyways then I'm one of like 3 people inside lol.

  2. Nice to know how Level X abilities work, i never stood inside them and i don't think i ever saw ppl standing there either so i just assumed Level 100/150 was just a name to represents a very powerful spells, not representing a math problem.

    Just imagine if the ability was reversed and instead it demanded the 100/150 to be matched instead of avoided

  3. Very interesting tests. Was not expecting Angra manyu to work that way.

    Also, I suppose not everyone can get in the belly but I do agree that everyone should try since sprouts may not know how. It is funny when there’s a person who gets mad about not following adds belly chains thing. Like do we really need 8 players to handle two chains? 😂

  4. You could use BLU to have all 5 outside players die before Cerberus can poop them out to figure out how he reacts to nobody alive being present. If I had to guess, it'd be like Alexander Prime who simply waits for you to get back.
    Also, Ceberus could never eat everyone, eventually you'll get the message 'Cerberus's hunger is saited' and he'll stop. Since you're not getting that message I did some digging on old videos and from what I can see his limit is 12 players, since you're obviously not hitting that wall it seems like you're bumping up against a second layer of protection.
    Mind you, one other question is what happens if 24 small players stand in the vomit. I suspect that would trigger his instant poop response and this situation is possibly it's primary purpose.

  5. A – Abelly, B – Belly, C – Cbelly and all forms of it has actually existed since ARR. All that mattered was leaving tanks and healers outside to deal with adds. Back then people did know the mechs, many of us just thought the way it was split was dumb lol

    Especially since, you know, Chains is not during the belly section. You do chains AFTER the belly is done so giving C an entire mech everyone is there for is dumb lol

  6. Recently was told that you could cure/heal the zombification debuff on the last boss of Rabanastre, however I have my doubts. Since I rarely get it in alliance roulette or people do mechanics so I can't test it, think you could science that?

  7. But…. did you actually test that 5 level 90s (total of 450) standing in level 150 Death results in insta-kills?
    Very easy to assume it should based on the data provided, but… assumptions are why these videos exist in the first place. On that note, thank you!

  8. I dunno if you've already done this, but a video clarifying what actually synergizes together with the scholar kit would be cool. So many wording differences making things not help out other things gets vague and annoying

  9. One little-known fact (at least on my DC) that you might enjoy presenting as a myth: The third boss of Rabanastre (Rofocale) has one of those gauge-based raidwides, but it's also proximity-based! Thus you can avoid most of the damage by waiting for him to stop flying and then running to the sides

  10. The level 150/100 abilities are a pretty neat callback to the old console games that did the reverse.

    If your level was multiple of the spell level, the spell affected you. So level 5 death was cast on you, you die if your level is a multiple of five.

    Since everyone in a raid is usually synced to be the same level, that would get everyone all the time – so they flipped it the other way to make it an actual mechanic.


  11. the first time i did cerberus i had no idea about the mechanics. someone called out to the raid for "everyone in belly" so i spent the entire fight standing directly under that stomach. turns out it's a decent way to avoid taking hits when you don't know the mechanics, at the very least.

  12. This is why JP does "all DPS go belly", since even if they all go in, you'll still have 9 players on the field (1 tank + 2 healers per alliance) and Cerberus won't spit them.
    Even if you were extra careful and added one healer per alliance into the belly to heal the DPS, you'd still have 6 people around the field and it would still be fine.

    Moral of the story: All DPS go into the belly and make the mech go faster!

  13. A thing you did not see here with Cerberus is that in a full 24-man, once Cerberus has eaten enough people (I believe its 12, might be 16), a message pops up saying that Cerberus is sated, and at that point he'll refuse to eat more people until people leave the belly. You did see part of that behavior with the smaller group size with the boss refusing to eat more players, just not the message itself it looks like.

  14. So semi-related to the myth about boss charge bars dealing more damage; Thordan Unreal/EX (and potentially normal as well, though I haven't been there in ages).

    I've been clearing the fight most weeks and I've noticed a strange inconsistency with his charge bar mechanic. Presumably, the charge bar's progress affects the damage of Ultimate End when it's cast at the end of the big knights of the round phase. But what's interesting to me is that amount of miniscule damage knockbacks changes, and seemingly without reason. I could be wrong as I've just tried to passively study this while doing the fight twice a week normally, but sometimes the sword pulses 6 knockbacks before Ultimate End, and sometimes 7. From what I've noticed, the progress of his limit break gauge on screen doesn't affect this, nor does it have anything to do with players dying and the knights of the ward being affected by battle fever. It just seems completelty random, but I'm extremely curious if there's any sort of logic behind it.


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