FFXIV Mythbusters | Dragon Sight's Left Eye STACKS?!

Would you ever stack multiple of the same buff on one person? Probably not, they never stack… But what if I told you one of them do? We test this and more here on FFXIV Mythbusters!

Other FFXIV Mythbuster episodes referenced in this video:
Episode 4, The one where I talk about Garuda First: https://youtu.be/7OkoBKprBzk
Episode 6, The one about Gunbreakers and Spell speed: https://youtu.be/c5BnSzyIG_g

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Music Used:
FFXIV Endwalker – Cradle of Hope

#ffxiv #endwalker

00:00 Intro
00:35 (1) “Pets Snapshot your stats on Summon!” (False)
03:45 (2) “Pets benefit from targeted buffs, except Dragon Sight!” (True)
06:11 (3) Does Dragon Sight Stack with Itself?
08:49 (4) EXP Boosting earrings… Do they work in Eureka/Bozja etc?
11:32 (5) “Jumping updates your location to the destination!” (False)
13:12 (6) “Tanks DON’T do 20% less damage than other jobs!” (False)
15:52 Outro
16:20 Fun Fact


46 thoughts on “FFXIV Mythbusters | Dragon Sight's Left Eye STACKS?!”

  1. Dragon sight left eye stacking is really weird, I knew left eye stackedf with right eye if 2 dragoons had enough gay tension to buff each other but I never would've thought the that both dragoons could left eye the same target for stacking buffs.

  2. "Most bosses dont care about your vertical position"

    Okay, do you wanna test this one? Fate bosses and elite hunts! How high can you fly above them before they stop hitting you? Will large bosses like formidable hit higher than small bosses like alaimbert of the spiked butt?

    Get another player to hold aggro on these bosses while you fly around above their aoes to see what happens.

  3. Hey Caetsu. I was watching some Necromancer PotD guides recently and I've noticed them sometimes jumping and hugging walls while passing mobs. That made me question, whether jumping moves your "aggroing sight hitbox" or watever you'd call it, making it less likely to pull them? Anyway, great video! You've got a great pace uploading your content!❤

  4. I have some doubts about boss attacks extending infinitely upwards
    player pbaoe attacks in pvp at the very least do care about elevation, and not at all in the way you'd hope
    rather than drawing a sphere around your character to determine range they draw a cylinder instead, which unfortunately for black mage's superflare is very short
    if you stand on the cannon overlooking the dummies in the wolves den you'll be unable to hit the dummies with superflare, but step off and you can even step back a considerable distance and it starts hitting again. Same with Macrocosmos, Megaflare and any other long range pbaoe
    Coincidentally superflare (and I predict all other pbaoes) doesn't extend far enough down to hit enemies while you're standing in spawn on any map. Very frustrating!
    I have some suspicions about the line aoes but they are a lot harder to test. But Apex arrow for instance can only hit a single dummy from the previously mentioned spot, even though it looks like they fit in the same horizontal line.

  5. The Intro already made me laugh with the excessive amounts of "!!!" for the 6th claim about tank Damage

    Bozja earings not working (for EXP) in Bozja? O.o [Yes, I typed that, before you repeated that in the Video, got me there]. Still… why. how, why… did they do that

  6. I honestly would've be VERY surprised if Dragon Sight remained unchanged in Dawntrail before I saw the quirks about it in this video and now I'd be even more surprised if it didn't happen

  7. I think part of the bonus of tank stance back then was also taking reduced damage. Shadowbringers turned that defense boost into a trait. Perhaps they didn't want to have this trait also say they do less damage for it.

  8. So EXP-boosting earrings don't work for elemental EXP in Eureka/Bozja or for the overworld EXP from clearing a floor set in deep dungeons, but do they work for the EXP within the deep dungeons (like when you start at floor 1 and have to spend the first 20 or so floors leveling up by killing mobs to get access to your skills)? Or is that also special elemental EXP?

    Speaking of deep dungeons, something I've been really trying to test via early deep dungeon floors (since this is infinitely repeatable) but haven't quite had the stars align yet, what happens if you're at a level where a skill would be the last skill of a combo, but you use that skill, it kills the enemy, and the resulting EXP gain boosts you to a level where there is another skill in the combo unlocked? For example, being a level 89 RDM and killing an enemy with Scorch and leveling up to 90; would that end the combo, or would you be able to use Resolution right away? Or being a level 89 PLD and killing an enemy with Confiteor and leveling up; would you get to use your big swords right away? My gut tells me the combo would still end, but a friend claims to have noticed combos continuing to newly-learned skills on level-up, so I'm not sure.

  9. "You know what would make it even easier to tell? Bring a third dragoon!" Listen Caetsu if this doesn't escalate to seven dragoons stacking their eyes on you for the meme I'm gonna be disappointed

  10. I remember finding out about Dragon Sight stacking because of pure memes. Idr what alliance raid it was but me and the FC were meming around in our own party and we all just decided to collectively Dragon Sight the one person that chose to be a Monk instead. This was back when the tether still existed so it was pure hilarity because we were like "DONT LOSE MONK, WHERE IS THE CHILD LEASH?"

  11. I have no idea if it has any myths connected, but one mechanic I've been curious about is multiple different Bard songs at the same time: Do they stack? Overwrite? Randomly flip between each other (because this is what you see the icons doing). How DO they interact when you've got multiple bards singing different (or maybe even the same) things?

  12. I can also see that tank myth coming from misunderstanding what Potency means from tool tips and that tank dps doesn't "feel" that much lower than regular dps when playing solo.

  13. Never heard that jumping myth, but a jumping fact is that you can use it to extend control into the start of many CC/forced movement mechanics like a hysteria or forced march. Since your trajectory is locked, it remains unaffected and the forced movement cannot start moving you until the jump lands and you would be able to move normally. It's a bit under a second you can gain, but that's a huge difference in some fights.

    I'm less certain about things like time stop which I think will just freeze you midair, and I've also never tried it against binds, but you could try having someone step on the A10 spike button to see if it keeps moving while bound. Stuns and down for the count I think it works but again not 100% sure. It's most useful against forced movement anyway as those are the times you want more control and to lower the amount it is moving you.

  14. Dance Partner and Standard Finish is super weird. Normally self-same buffs don't stack, so a lot of people thought that if you have two DNCs partnered to each other they would be overwriting their Standard Finish, however, it turns out that you can have Standard Finish from your Standard Step and your partner's active at the same time. Apparently the Standard Finish that you get form your partner is not the same the as your own, so they stack, despite no indicator or difference. Just one of the more confusing aspects of FFXIV's UI.

  15. lol, thanks for talking about the bozjan earring. I was using it and getting very confused when getting the notes. Since i have the menphina's earring, and figured it wouldn't work in bozjan, surely the bozjan earring would work XD. Good to know it's utterly pointless thanks to preorder shit.

  16. I'm not sure if this topic was covered before but I have few questions/myths about limit break:
    1) Does limit break damage increased with buffs?
    2) Does limit break damage is same for every party member or it depends on average ilvl of person who uses it?(Or is it depends on average ilvl of whole party)
    3) Does limit break damage changes depending on what job you're playing?(I mean job in same category, for example does damage is different for ninja and samurai?)

  17. Something I am actually not sure about is if jumping updates your momentum in the same way that walking does. IIRC in E8S (sorry for the light rampant flashbacks) during the double ice mechanic some players would opt to jump just before the second ice was cast and their character would visually be moving when the floor was icy but they wouldn't 'slip'. Not sure if this works in every fight since E8S is the only one I know of where it was a dps gain to do this since otherwise you would temporarily be out of range of the boss.

  18. If you want a little bit more information on how jumping works, how it works is the game goes through a few steps. When you initiate the jump, the game checks if you are on valid ground. If you are, the game saves your previous spot while you were in the air, then checks again if you are on valid ground when you land, and if you are the game saves your position when you land. If you jump on valid ground, and land/hover in/on invalid ground, will keep your last position as where you initiated the jump from, and using a movement skill will move you from the previous spot saved.
    Although, some invalid ground places are not all the same and will continue to update your position anyway (such as the water underneath Limsa).

    Having done a lot of going out of bounds in the game, I can confirm that jumping works this way, and if you like can provide proof.

    Also as a fun fact, if you die and then return to your home point, the game hangs on to your previous coordinates where you died saved as a failsafe. Moving to a new area/teleporting updates these saved coordinates as well. You can use these to wrong warp in Gridania.

  19. Myth: iLevel synced gear has the same stats as a piece of gear of the same level that it syncs to.

    My mind was blown the other day when I learned how iLevel sync ACTUALLY works. I’d love to see a summary/explanation of the mechanics, because it might be even weirder than I thought.

    As a bonus, what about relic weapon syncing? Is that any different?

  20. If I had to guess, the odd behavior of dragon sight is almost certainly leftover from when it still involved a tether. And I would also assume that this is because dragon sight's functionality is probably based more on the functionality of cover, avail and other tether-based skills. For example, back when pets could still be targetted and take dmg, I would assume that using cover on a summoner would not also cover their pet, which would line up with dragon sight being the only buff that doesn't affect pets. Likewise, iirc if multiple blu mages all avail the same character before an aoe, then the common target would receive the dmg from all of them, which matches up with multiple dragon sights stacking on the same target.

    They may have removed the visual tether and range requirement, but most likely it's still coded as a tether mechanic under the hood. And actually, I wouldn't be surprised if there was still a maximum range, but it was just set to something massive that would never come up in a real scenario.

  21. Sorry who the flipperoni said that jumping makes it easier to dodge mechanics?
    That is brain rot.
    I jump around all the time because I'm bored as hell doing a fight for the 300th time and I know I can reliably dodge things DESPITE jumping around all the time.

  22. Huh….tanks passively doing 20% less damage is something I've never considered. If that were true, does this mean tanks before could do the same anount (or at least closer considering attack potencies) as a DPS without stance? Speaking as someone who was not there during those ages.
    I wonder if they'll ever bring something like that back in the future…

  23. One thing I know for sure works, im not sure if it counts as "snapshotting" but if it does, then Eos – and presumably, all pets – DO snapshots your stats ON SUMMON — As in, your GEAR stats.
    However, because Eos is the only one I know that can exist outside of combat, she is the only one this is relevant to.
    Summoning Eos while having no gear equipped, and then re-equipping BiS, results in a double or small triple digit healing from her, desperately unable to do much to refill your 40k or so health.
    Summoning her again, while fully geared, and then removing gear, should result in healing you for more than your entire hp bar if you take damage.

    As for jumps: I thoujght it was referring to Dragoon jumps, which are very weird in how they behave. If there is a ground AoE like Liquid Hell between you and the boss, but not in either hitbox, and you High Jump, you SHOULD avoid getting the "stepped in fire" dot. However, using them on a target floating outside of the area, like in Cloud Deck or Inundation (eden 3), will result in you falling to your death.

  24. One place Jumping actually is useful to resolve a mechanic is in the Titan phase of Ultima Weapon Ultimate raid. When Titan marks the players with Goals, the game waits until you land for it to resolve. It doesn't help you dodge anything, and, you will still die to the landslide if you time it wrong, but it does give you a bit more wiggle room to resolve it correctly,

  25. If I had to pull a guess out of my ass, since Left Eye could be 'applied' but flip between being active and inactive, the pet has Left Eye but it's stuck in the 'inactive' state for some reason.
    "But the tether no longer exists". True, however I bet the code still pretends it does but with something absurd like 100 yalm range so it's never an issue, so even tho the answer is always 'yes', Left Eye is continuing to call out 'should I be active', and likewise, the pets Left Eye is always being told 'No' when it calls out, for S O M E R E A S O N.

    Once again however, I 100% pulled this out my ass, this is a guess on every front.

  26. The tool-tip for Tank Mastery technically says that it grants "a bonus to damage dealt based on your strength attribute." which gives the impression that it makes you deal more damage, not less. If it is in fact this trait that is responsible for the damage reduction, I would find it quite funny as it would mean it does give you a "bonus" based on your strength, only this "bonus" is −20%. ''no no no, we're not giving you a damage penalty, we're giving you a damage bonus (that just so happens to be negative, but shhhhhh) ;)''

  27. A sproutling friend of mine after I had told him Excogitation is counted as a 'HoT' by the game, in that it scales off spell speed, he asked if the same was true of Wildfire. Not remembering if you had tested it in one of your videos, as inspired by these videos, I simply encuraged him to test for himself by trying a few times without speed melds and a few times with, which he did. Although the sample size wasn't that big, the results did match what would be expedted of the difference of the two speed tiers for someone of that level. With how prevalent wrong information is about this game, I'm very glad your videos encurage people to not just take things they hear for granted and to instead think about how they can find out for themselves what is or isn't true.

  28. Not sure how easy it would be to test, but I've been told jumping can help get you safe out of AoEs if you have a paralysis debuff, as the game won't just stop you dead in midair – I'm assuming this works only if your jump would carry you out of the AoE in time (like you demonstrated could happen in this video). It makes sense to me why it should work

  29. So they basically took the tank stance pentalty from pre shadowbringers… DPS penalty and mitigation and all… And made it invisible.

    Ingenious way of circumventing the backlash of tank stance dancing and debate we had for so long in Stormblood.

    I'm serious that's kinda neat lmao

  30. I wonder when fall damage is actually calculated since you are immediately teleported to the floor when you use a dash while falling
    If there's a speed up the only change is that you'd die faster
    maybe it's the optimal way to summon Safat

  31. I scrubbed through the old videos in case I might've missed it, but one FFXIV myth I've always been curious about is do you actually need to hit the boss/generate enmity in a boss with a check point (O4S would probably be the easiest one to test?) in order to actually save the checkpoint? I.E. if you get to phase 2 and everyone walls without the boss ever activating will you still respawn in phase 2?


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