FFXIV: My 6.0 Job predictions and adjustments/changes

I’ll be streaming a watch party for the the announcement stream this Friday. If you want to join me so we can have reactions and talk about all the new content, my Twitch link is down below.

In this video I go over my thoughts and predictions for new jobs and upcoming changing to current jobs that I’d love to see in 6.0 for FF14. Let me know in the comments below what your thoughts are and what you want to see in the next expansion.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tyyrm

0:00 Intro
0:48 New jobs
7:08 Changes to current jobs
13:15 Summoner rework ideas
18:35 closing thoughts/twitch watch party

#FFXIV #Jobs #Chemist


23 thoughts on “FFXIV: My 6.0 Job predictions and adjustments/changes”

  1. Hey guys, Tyyrm Here. This is the first time I've done a voice over recording for one of my videos. I know I have alot to learn and improve but any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. A lot of people think chemist. I don’t think it’s going to happen because it almost definitely would play like either dancer or ninja and we JUST got dancer. I doubt they’d want to double up on that gameplay loop one expansion later

  3. I agree with summoner rework
    In my opinion, current summoner is clunky and annoying :/ Previous summoner was better in my opinion
    The way I would like to see future summoner is removing garuda/ifrit/titan after obtaining bahamut and phoenix, swapping between them in battle
    Bahamut and Phoenix would be the main source of smn dmg
    wet dream unu

  4. Hey, this sounds really good and sounds like you have been doing these a lot. I have my own predictions video coming out tomorrow and I have said the same when it comes to chemist in terms of Mudras/Dance Steps

  5. Cool video mate. I heard something yesterday on a Drak Gamestein video. He said an idea for summoners was get rid of pets. And have the summoner build up a gauge and then release a summon like dark knight summons Frey. But the more you summon the summon gets stronger. Like the action button changes like how red Mage gets ver flare etc then scorch. So I feel they should be ifrit for single target Garuda aoe As per normal, Titan for a shield and maybe a puddle. So once these have been used up (say there around for 10seconds). You get lv2 gauge. Now once it's full you summon bahamut or Phoenix. Both do big damage then a nuke when they disappear now you get level 3 gauge for the big boy summon Alexander for example. Who now does a big nuke. This way there's not much downtime to your rotation. Keep the dots and fester etc. Whatcha think ?

  6. Healer for sure, Chemist seems most likely, especially since it wouldn't be another caster(assumption), or maybe a play on Necromancer healing by damaging or Geomancer with ground support effects and totem type abilities maybe.
    I really wish SMN got reworked to focus solely on summoning. Remove the poison, ruin, etc, or turn them into summon attacks, the job really feels like a Beast Master with bio right now IMO, Bahamut and Phoenix are the only parts that feel sort of like an actual SMN to me.

  7. I'm a SMN main as well. I personally want a complete overhaul of the job. If they can't fix pets, remove them and make SMN more like what we've seen of Clive in XVI. Since that's unrealistic I've thought of a few things SE might do for 6.0 SMN
    1. Worst case scenario: Nothing changes but we get a third trance that combines Bahamut and Phoenix into something like Valigarmanda or we get something boring like Lunar Bahamut as an "upgrade"
    2. Less of a rework and more of a quality of life change: At 82 dreadwyrm trance summons bahamut like firebird and deathflare doesn't end the trance. This might be too strong since 2 deathflares and 2 akh morns in the same burst window might be ridiculous, but at least that'd mean we could be more willy-nilly with ruin 4 during bahamut since weaving during it would be completely braindead thanks to the trance and ruin 4s could potentially be used elsewhere, especially if your group is disorganized pug group and not syncing burst windows.
    3. Remove the pets from the field completely. Hitting egi assault instantly casts whatever skill they were going to do since there's no moving required by the pet, and they just appear out of nowhere to cast whatever skill you choose. For baseline pets instead of summoning an egi you go into their trance, and the 3 egi trances just augment egi assault on your bar. Maybe for the demi-summons still have them on the field, but in a static location so they can instantly cast whatever you're trying to do.

    And at any point they could remove DoT management from the rotation and I would not give a flying fuck. Good riddance imo.

  8. I have been wanting a Time Mage for two expansions as a Healer. But I do agree with what your saying regarding time magic being related to some type of catastrophe. But time magic is built into the game in some way in every expansion. It would make sense to make a time mage. Chemist more likely, but I wouldn't be excited for Chemist. Can't wait to see what happens.

  9. I want Chemist, 100%, geomancer is fine I guess if its a DPS, but not a healer. Its not what Healers want.
    Speaking of healers…
    They really need to drop this, "you're a babysitter" design mentality. Party babysitting has always been the joke, but that's how it feels now. It feels like the kit is designed to make you ready to fix other people's mistakes, rather than.. just being a healer and doing less complex DPS rotations. I WANT to heal, but I'm only healing in casual content when someone messes up. In high end content its fine, but people lack so much responsibility that alway end up finding myself just stuck waiting for them to catch up, while I get bored min maxing a healing rotation 20 pulls into a guy messing up.

    Need something more interesting to do DPS wise, and healing needs to be a larger focus, and people messing up need to just die and learn their mistakes.

  10. My predictions are Chemist as healer. They will use guns with a similar gimmick to Irvine from FF8 and can shoot a variety of ammo. The healing component will be a mixture between Alfyn from Octopath Traveller and Chemist from FF Tactics wherein, as you said, they can create potions to throw at targets. To justify not using mana, the abilities are on cool down so you have to think about appropriate times to use them.

    Ranged caster is the Geomancer, yup. They will have two burst windows where through manipulating the current weather in a fight (think how weather affects the Bismarck fight), it allows for super charged elemental spells and some light buff/heals for pinch support like RDM and SMN. Second window allows for element based dots that react to the changes in weather. To avoid multiple GEOs in a group messing things up for each other, there is a Laylines styled gameplay to them where they must be within their casting space in order to manipulate weather.

    They will also be able to drop those blob things from the FF11 iteration of the job. The blobs allow for melee buff, enemy debuff, and caster buff depending on the current weather (hopefully a toggled/simplified version exists to not clog up the screen and that it is not as brain dead with the buffs as AST). Weapon will be that sweet cowbell for unsapected, Christopher Walken damage.

    Limited job will be Beast Master and will (in my dreams) be a full feldged job like the main ones. Beast will capture animals in the open world and be able to fulfill the role of tank or DPS depending on your pets' skills. It is a limited job in the sense that, like BLU, it can only slot a limited amount of skills before combat. Depending on the role you want to play as, you must select animals that allow you to tank/sustain or DPS/debuff and your skills must fufill a bare minimum of utility to perform your role or the game won't allow you to queue up for group content.

    Each animal comes with it's own skills so you have to pick and choose from your stable (again, they kinda did this in Octopath with H'annit because she captured beasts and they came with their own skills to choose from) of tanking types and damage types.

    Your idea for an Alexander summon is awesome, time magic would work great and could actually make things like slotting spell speed and skill speed less mandatory for many jobs, giving SMN more identity.

    Rune Fencer should be a tank that can alter enemy elemental resistances in order to withstand damage!

    Long post put this video really got me thinking. Thanks!

  11. I'm really not feeling the Chemist to be honest. Everyone explains it as: You are using a system like the ninja or the astrologian or the dancer……..but those systems are already in place. The game is getting homogenous enough. If they find a cool unique system for chemist, that's different. But not something too similar.

  12. due to the trailer i can tell it's a Range DPS something like Magic Fencer not sure what's come up with the healer, since we already have WHT BLK RED BLU maybe we should get a GREEN MAGE GRN at this time


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