FFXIV Meteion roasts Emet

Special thanks to:
• Alekin_Haike for the voice over
• Benedict__G for the blender animation!

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►Game: Final Fantasy XIV Online


35 thoughts on “FFXIV Meteion roasts Emet”

  1. Damn bruh meteion decended into a roast maybe this…. omfg….this man solved the mystery it was never about meteion killing all of us…. ENDWALKER WAS METEION DOING THE UNIVERSAL ROAST OF ALL TIME…..

  2. Yo tho. Yo the only thing that would have made this better would be if she turned to her corrupted self before going off on him. I could totally see EmoMeteion just, DUNKING on motherfuckers left and right.

    just like, Endsinger shows up and just rather than spitting planets she spits barbs and all the Scions just crumple cause she's not exactly lying and just WoL be like "…that's my girl."


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