Special thanks to:
• Alekin_Haike for the voice over
• Benedict__G for the blender animation!
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►Game: Final Fantasy XIV Online
I curse myself that i only have one thumbs up to give.
Please inform your collaborators they did a great job.
funny 🙂
other channel demonetized permanently or something?
I dunno, hearing such vulgarity out of innocent Meteon's mouth felt kinda wrong. Animation was great tho
this is perfect lmao
That shit is adorable.
This is a top tier meme
“Mayhap I should revert you to the PATHETIC, FADED THING YOU WERE.” said Hades, calmly
I'm sending this to everyone on my friends list. E V E R Y O N E.
Holy shit that was too funny. The end in particular
the scene cannot be skipped was the best part LOL
What ost is this?
You know how you never asked for something, but someone gives it to you and then your realize it’s exactly what you needed all along? That’s this.
Perfect timing on this, I finished the elpis section of the MSQ just last night LMAO
Thank you, Hermes. Meteion almost got her ass cancelled.
I love Emet, but Meteion's right, that haircut has got to go.
Not if I have anything to say about it, and I do! I'm going to say the S word!
Holy Fucking Shit.
Bro she just destroyed Emets world AGAIN
She was about to drop the hard R
I had no idea Thug Life Meteion is something I needed in my life. Please do more.
I love meteion
This scene cannot be skipped.
I fucking lost it
Damn bruh meteion decended into a roast maybe this…. omfg….this man solved the mystery it was never about meteion killing all of us…. ENDWALKER WAS METEION DOING THE UNIVERSAL ROAST OF ALL TIME…..
Yo tho. Yo the only thing that would have made this better would be if she turned to her corrupted self before going off on him. I could totally see EmoMeteion just, DUNKING on motherfuckers left and right.
just like, Endsinger shows up and just rather than spitting planets she spits barbs and all the Scions just crumple cause she's not exactly lying and just WoL be like "…that's my girl."
OK this is some funny shit, thanks for the laugh
Aww she’s the best
Fucking genius
the best!
Emet needs medical attention immediately.