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Can't believe after all these years of this game existing and having content like this, they couldn't find a way to incentivize old content to help people wanting to clear it… Or do something so people can do it, this game is known for the "if you dont do it while its hot, you miss out."
The envy is almost too much to handle. As a huge fan of FF9, this is my major goal in FF14. Sadly I'm on Aether 😭
Congratulations on the clear and fancy mount. It was nice seeing you in the run ♥
Small heads-up on the Ozma-mount, it turns into triangle form under water!
I done it with the late night group back when it was new. I do remember it being a bit sweaty right enough. I actually cleared it and the guy that done the callouts was doing callouts for the first time and he nailed it
man i know those feels, i finally got my BA clear about 3 weeks ago, good job clearing!
I got my clear with the Primal data center discord when this was current and had similar experiences as well. Fantastic group of people and the call outs were great. After the server split I also did some runs with the Crystal discord and they too are an amazing group and are still doing runs weekly.
Is there a group for Primal data center?
Nice! Congrats! I recently got my clear a few weeks ago. Really appreciate the pple on the Aether DC discord that helped.
I've played off and on since ARR and I don't even know what this content is or that it existed until now.
Congrats!!!!! I died stupidly falling off the stage before the ozma fight lol, I was so embarrassed. ~Hypno Rich
You do NOT have to be alive to get the achievement. You still get it if you die but don't get sucked in by Ozma's black hole. Source: I got it that way before ShB when some dingus dropped meteors too close a few seconds before it died, I was on the ground and still got the achiev and mount.
The BA run was super fun and the late night discords raid and party leaders were amazing
Man I wish i could run BA, but finding a group is a myth. No Ozma mount for me
Now stop afking in Bozja and get those relics >:D
Congrats! Its a fun run for sure! 🌑🔮🔴⚪🔵
I got really lucky and got in with a support group to clear it awhile back the Anther discord group is super helpful
Wish there was a group like this in Gaia. Unfortunately, not only there isnt one, even if there is one they're most likely not speaking english because fck oceanic players right?
Ok next you gotta take me through it with you, alright?
I still haven't tried BA and not sure about trying
You too?! I was trying Eureka these last few weeks (after getting to around level 10 when Anemos first came out and just being too busy being in the military at the time). I put my nose to the grindstone on it and got all the way to the end in Hydatos, unlocked BA, and figured I'd never get to do it. But I ended up getting into the Support Group with the Primal Foreys guys doing a learning run and got to do the last two bosses and get my clear. 😀
I basically stumbled into the whole thing, but it was pretty intense and cool and fun, and just a neat experience. Now I have my super glowy WHM staff and my Ozma mount, so there's that, hehe.
But yeah, congrats! Cool to see I'm not the only one getting my clear this last week! 😀
There are a FEW exceptions, but if you're willing to talk to people, invite people to party, and run stuff as a group with others, Eureka was a fantastic experience for me, and the Eureka community is really cool overall. I highly recommend it to anyone that genuinely wants to take part and is willing to do it. You get out of it what you're willing to put into it, but if you're willing, it was a neat experience. Makes me think that I can see why people loved those old school games. There's something cool about starting to recognize people's names that you run across several times and all that. It was enjoyable to me.
One nice thing is that you don't NEED to do BA for the Relic's final form. (It's SUPER final form, but all that adds is elemental bonus, which is only available in Eureka anyway)
If people are on the Primal Datacenter, look up Primal Forays. Same basic thing. I'd wager every datacenter has one at this point. As much as it's more inconvenient than quing…there is something to be said for community putting together and executing groups as well, I think…
Is there a group on primal that does it
So you just have to be alive at the end to get the achievement? Or does dying on the final boss prevent being rezzed or something like that?
This is good timing. I am currently on Eureka Pyros for the first time and was on the fence about trying to go for BA since I also have a fairly novice skill set myself.
Congrats! The Ozma mount is definitely a lot cooler IMO than the Cerberus. Also, while it is true you can simply queue up for Delubrum Savage, you still have to pass the Ready Check (Savage) every time you want to go in!
I`d really love to eventually be able to join a group and do Baldesion Arsenal but lucky me is one of those who joined post Shadowbringers launch meaning Eureka was and is quite dead. I did a lot of grinding myself (prob 20-30 hours now?) solo since none of my XIV friends wanted to do Eureka and even now I am only lvl 30 something in Pagos.. Its just frustrating. SE keep creating this group content that relies on people actually doing the activity opposed to having the option to do it solo. You get stuff like Eureka now where new players are in there alone grinding away (maybe finding a NM group if luck) and eventually the same will happen to Bozja. Heck we already saw it with Castrum and how it died off after like a month. Even after the changes making it relevant for current ShB shiny weapons, I am already seeing it fall short and barely 20 people queuing resulting in no run or a failed run. I just hope one day they go back to this stuff and create a way for people to actually do it solo and queueable. 🙁
go underwater with it…
I used late night choas tonight and got mount also. Thank you for them and you for kicking me up arse
i play on aether and our data centers ba/bozja server still runs very often it can die down a little during big updates but it always picks back up there is a bunch of skilled players that enjoy doing the content still and helping newer players through at a good pace while still taking time to explain bosses before pulling and what not to do during trash mobs and it makes for an enjoyable experience for those that want to stick around for gear upgrades or rarer drops
I just finished this last night! 💚
Can you do this now I would love to get that mount i to tried many times and failed got super close one time literally at a pinch of health and never got the chance after.
Its impossible to get a spot in these runs, 3 runs per week for a whole data center, I M P O S S I B L E.
The devs should think of people who havent done this yet and make it a duty finder duty.