ffxiv Mentor Moment 👑

here is a video i made
I disavow this entire video i am simply a spectator


44 thoughts on “ffxiv Mentor Moment 👑”

  1. Good thing that i changed to trade mentor instead having just the crown, now i dont have to worry about being compared to what ever these "mentors" are. Oh, the times when you could give advices normally even if you had the crown on you.

  2. But the tank did the right thing to run away from the team with the red marker. Why would bard complain and then run into red marker by themselves? Was them a mentor too? I rewatched video several times and didn't get it

  3. yesterday the MT in a raid kept spinning the boss nonstep, he actually managed to get me killed as a ranged job. I was going to ask him to not spin the boss, but he was a king of burgers, so i prefered to keep tanking the floor. went to make a coffee instead, it was nice.

  4. I went like 6 years ignoring being a mentor but I decided to finally suffer the walk of 2000 mentor roulettes. I've gotten people thordan ex clears, a nidhogg clear (thank god for echo), and some rathalos clears (this one isnt that bad tbh).

    You… you get to see things. Like a new BLM in Dohn Mheg who went 2 pulls of the second boss (yes, there was more than one) before he spoke up and asked why he couldn't target the tethers (he avoided all 4 between the pulls).

    Now 100% the mentor requirements are a joke. You can teach people how to play this game with or without this cursed burger king crown. I was just that bored that I wanted something to do. I had a mentor who defended a tank that did the "you pull you tank" nonsense, with me as a healer on my sprout alt even! That's the kind of people that genuinely need to lose the crown.

  5. you know what? And majority of legitimate mentors hide their crowns because being afraid of being associated with those… "cases"… leaving those burgir crown mentors as majority of mentors D:

  6. Well… with Mentor having a rotten-to-the-core reputation like this,
    ain't becoming one in this life.
    So many ideals… crushed by the massive stupidity by those who
    think themselves being actually funny and helpful but aren't.
    And thus Mentors are… A Toxicity Reborn :/

  7. That's the Burger King 👑 for you.
    It's the same with people flexing on Ultimate weapons. They're just flexing bit don't know shit about the game and most likely cheated/ paid for weapons.

  8. It’s funny because I had a similar situation with a mentor the other day.
    I was playing WAR and he was a SGE while running leveling roulettes. Ofc I was using my aoes properly to keep aggro, however he would use heals before I would pull packs despite my hp being topped off already, causing him to gain the aggro before proceeding to tell me that I wasn’t using my aoes..

    I will never become a mentor because of individuals like him parading their BK crown status and treating others as inferior even though they mess up more frequently than any sprout I’ve played with.

  9. Yea I ain't got time for their shit… I'd just eat the 30 min timer and leave, for my mental's sake.

    A shame the blacklist function only works in party finder though, wtf Squeenix

  10. Had this happen in a run of fractal continuum hard, a bard had the AUDACITY to attack the first boss so he stood outside until it forced him in, he then rp walked and disabled stance while we killed the mobs without him, never had to e diagnosis so much in my life lol
    Obviously, we kicked him as soon as loot rolled

  11. Had a mentor tank die from a trash pack. Mentor healer refused to res because of the weakness debuff. Tank refused to respawn because he didn't want to run. This lasted several minutes. I just left, would rather take the 30 minute penalty than deal with children for the rest of the dungeon.

    Stay classy, mentors.

  12. Went into Syrcus Tower and someone in the party was getting onto our tank. Sure enough they were wearing one of those crowns. I started being the tank's hype beast and the rest of the team did too, drowning out the crown guy's complaints. It takes 0 effort not to be a d*ck to people.

  13. Figured it out some time ago. Battle mentors (sword crown) are generally fine, although sometimes toxic, but ppl with the crafting mentor crown (hammer crown or the combined og burger king crown) are some of the biggest clowns I've ever seen. It's because the moment you step into crafting/gathering your brain starts getting softer and softer until you become the Mentard TM. Think about it, have you ever seen a sane DoL/DoH?

  14. Thankfully I keep the crown off, despite of everything I just like helping people in general and not be a actual circus while doing so.

    This tank is as actually mememing the entire instance and that tittle was the cherry on top, more so with war KEKW.

  15. The reputation mentors get makes me wanna turn off my mentor crown. Because it causes people to bully mentors even when they weren't wrong in something. I remember our alliance was dead because of them struggling with mechanics, I was on healer and moved in a little to healer LB3. But then the tank buster came on and the tank sniped me with it. He could've moved an inch away from me to avoid me but didn't, but yet it was somehow my fault because "I stood in the way". Remember you cannot move when casting LB3.

  16. Okay I don't understand what the hate is here for running away with a tank buster? There are some tank busters in the game with that icon that are small point blank aoes that will cleave anyone standing nearby. Not all of them are direct damage.

    There is no expectation as a mentor to remember what every single tank buster in the game does, or even to be skillful. Your only expectation is to not give up/leave the duty, and to help players who have questions


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