What do I want for the new jobs in 6.0? Melee healer. MELEE HEALER. MELEE HEALER!!!!! I WANT A MELEE HEALER. I need that shake up. I NEED THAT SHAKE UP! If you gave me WoW’s Holy Paladin in FFXIV I don’t know if I could stop playing it.
0:00 Intro
1:42 I Don’t Want Another RANGED Healer
2:10 Reason 1 – Scholar History
3:30 Reason 2 – Astrologian History
4:30 Reason 3 – Ranged Healer “Competition”
5:23 Why not Wrapup
6:05 Melee Healers!
7:00 WoW Melee Healer Examples
9:30 No Option For Playstyle Variety for Healers Right Now
10:40 Breaking The Meta part 1
14:13 Breaking The Meta part 2
17:30 Outro
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Job Changes for Patch 5.3! Analysis Included! | FFXIV Patch 5.3
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If you gave me the Holy Paladin from World of Warcraft in FFXIV I don't think I could ever POSSIBLY stop playing it. That would be the pizza! THE PIZZA. 🍕🍕🍕
0:00 Intro
1:42 I Don't Want Another RANGED Healer
2:10 Reason 1 – Scholar History
3:30 Reason 2 – Astrologian History
4:30 Reason 3 – Ranged Healer "Competition"
5:23 Why not Wrapup
6:05 Melee Healers!
7:00 WoW Melee Healer Examples
9:30 No Option For Playstyle Variety for Healers Right Now
10:40 Breaking The Meta part 1
14:13 Breaking The Meta part 2
17:30 Outro
I thought I was gonna main Astro in 6.0 bc I love Divination and Earthly Star and skating around with lightspeed instant heals but I hit a 140k AffMisery last night on whm and I started as conjurer so Ill stick with that
I agree, a healer that can do mele dps like a paladin would be a great addition to 14.
I guess you kinda got your wish kinda with the whole separation of regen healers and shield healers will be interesting to see how it will go though
I’m going to assume you watched the event, but, if not, Sage is the new healer. It’s ranged with a unique to ffxiv weapon; Alphi becomes one. It’s a shielder type like sch. Whm and ast will be the pure healers, noct ast will get a rework and lose the shields.
It’s a shame they just announce how they are fucking over AST once again
What game is being played in this video?
Lol u got 4th ranged Gundam Healer that goes brrrrrrr
It sounds for me, that you are just bored from the healers in general and not that you have no meele healer.
Your examples are more complex healers, classes with different styles of healing and thats fine, i want that as well.
Healers had a little bit more depth to them in HW and SB.
Please don't get me wrong, i support everyone who wants more than just press one button and every 30 seconds a different button.
But my main issue with an meele healer are teamcomps. Yes you don't need 2 meeles to clear content, yes a lot of groups only use 1 meele in ultimates, but if one healer decides to play meele heal in ff xiv, you are bound to have troubles with uptime/teamcomp. A lot of mechanics are designed around 4 player on max meele range, you can play it whatever composition you want, as long as you don't use 3+ meele jobs.
But with an meele heal, you'll get troubles…
If you want max uptime now, you are forced to take maximum 1 Meele with you, otherwise a person has to disengage and be "afk" til the end of the mechanic, that wouldnt be that much fun imo.
+ if you are playing in a static with 2 meeles and 2 ranged heals, you can't just switch from whitemage to the cool meele heal…
These are my biggest issues with that. If Square finds a way to fix it, I'm totally on your side. They did a fine job with redmage imo.
Maybe they'll implement something line that for healers as well, build up a gauge, jump in and use it for burst heals while you are in meele range 🙂
Edit: I liked your video
I do wish they revamped the healing/support system to be more than just shields vs heals and group support vs personal DPS. They're going to have to, they can't really add anything anymore unless they shake things up. Melee healer, DoT, siphoning healer, Geomancer, Time Mage and Chemist(non-magical healer) could all "heal" in very unique ways but not unless they add different buffs, debuffs or let jobs have noticeable strengths and weaknesses instead of all of them having a bit of everything.