FFXIV made me cry

*Almost* went from Lalafell to uninstalafell after this… I actually felt heartbroken! But we continue on and will seek vengeance for our beloved sylph- will certainly never forget this moment. Share one of your most stand-out memories from Final Fantasy XIV in the comments below. 🙂

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17 thoughts on “FFXIV made me cry”

  1. Nice videos! Keep em up. Welcome to FF14, hope you enjoy the game and the experience.
    FF14 is quite the emotional rollercoaster but overall it is quite inspirational with hope and redemption being core arcs. Stay strong and enjoy the ride!
    Without despair there can be no ecstasy.
    Let me assure you, there is plenty of both in this game.

  2. I can't tell you some of the things that really hit me storywise, because they will either not make any sense to you or spoil the story. I don't want to confuse you with things that won't make sense, and no one deserves to have this game spoiled for them. So instead I'll tell you what really sold me on the game so many years ago.

    I started in June of 2014, during the WoW content drought of Siege of Boredgrimmar. It was a fun enough raid but I was honestly bored with it, having done basically nothing else in game for almost a year. So I gave FFXIV a shot just to kill some time; I figured I'd quit when WoD dropped. It didn't take very long in the 14 day trial to convince me I was completely wrong about that. I blasted through the story (something I realized I'd been missing in WoW without even knowing it) and got to level 50. And it wasn't that I skipped any of the story stuff, I was simply having a blast while blasting through it! I finished all the stuff you've either already done or are about to do and the credits rolled.

    Yay! I beat the game!

    I then started messing with crafting and gathering and before I knew it I had all of those to 50 as well. I did the relic weapon quest, got a nice and literally shiny Summoner weapon. I was set. Until I noticed someone else with a shinier Summoner weapon… A quick Google search turned into a very, very deep rabbit hole of all the things I hadn't done

    Huh… I… I guess didn't beat the game. I found out there was a ton more story to do and more was just around the corner. Fast forward a few more months and I got to the end of ARR… As if I hadn't known it before then, at that point I absolutely knew I was going to keep playing probably until they shut the servers down for good. They knocked it out of the park and the ball has yet to land.

    Where you are in the story now, and all of ARR is good. It's not great (well, the end of ARR is great…) and not bad, just good. Everything after is so much more than good. People say the current expansion is probably the best MMO story of all time, and the best Final Fantasy story in the past decade plus, and I can't disagree with them. You can even find a clip of the Shadowbringers lead writer, Natsuko Ishikawa getting a standing ovation at a convention a month or two after SB launched.

    I mean, not just a video game writer… an MMO writer getting a standing ovation? That just doesn't happen.

    Except it did. And she totally deserved it.

    I hope your stay in Eorzea is a long and enjoyable one!

  3. I knew Noraxia for such a short amount of time but I loved the Sylph race so much that I instantly loved Noraxia as soon as meeting em. I was legit about to cry at this scene and then Minphilia yelling with that terrible voice acting honestly sucked all the emotion out of it for me lol.


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