Time to get back to some beast tribes! The Amalj’aa are a fan favorite so I’m happy to finally get around to discussing their nuanced culture! I hope everyone enjoys and is looking forward to more content soon!
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Disclaimer: The MMORPG known as FinalFantasy XIV Online as well as all its related publications and merchandise are owned by Square Enix. I have no claims to it.
Primary Sources:
Video Games-
FinalFantasy XIV Online
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume I
Encyclopedia Eorzea Volume II
Alternative Sources:
FinalFantasyXIV, The Lodestone/Sidestory
FFXIV, Letter from the Producer
Published FFXIV Brand Art Books
#ffxiv #ifrit #lore
🙂 me listening so intently, thirsty for that juicy lore!
More delicious lore content!
I truly enjoy all of these lore videos about XIV and really like how much dedication is shown towards the research and depth of knowledge.
Mmmmm loooorrreeeee yeeessssss
Great video !
Fierce and hardy as the Amal'jaa may be, with arms like that I bet they give good hugs. 😆
how do they compare to the zou from the first
This is awesome and I'm so glad you're doing lectures about the tribes! The Amal'jaa were the first tribe I worked with through the quests, and introduced me to the idea of these tribe allies and their way of life. In the RP group I'm in, my character was inspired to join a Beast Tribe Outreach program because she was rescued by the Brotherhood of Ash as an Immortal Flames recruit from Ifrit's tempered, so this video helps me strengthen her knowledge about them!
This game has such good lore. Can't wait to see the other beast tribes lore.
Endwalker Spoilers:
I always wondered how did Ifrit really came to be. Because originally Ifrit was a concept designed by the Ancients. The concept came up in lore twice, this first time was when Azem took Ifrit to sap the fire aether away from a volcano to save an island.
The second time is during Abyssos 8th circle savage phase 2. The mechanic called High Concept 2 forces the players to do weird aether alchemy by mixing and matching stuff. And by combining Ifrit and a bird concept (probably Garuda?) it created the Phoenix which revives the players after they all die from the boss attack called Ego Death
Also seeing weakness as shameful, what about being covered in water? I know it’s shameful as well to them, but I’m unsure the context of why.
I'm sorry if this is long, but here goes:
Kamino is an Ala Mhigan native who was captured and conscripted some years after his family was executed by van Baelsar. He served at Castrum Novum in Mor Dhona, sabotaged the defensive efforts when the WoL's of the Sixth AE laid siege to the installation and destroyed the lunar transmitter. His involvement was never discovered.
As the conflict between the Alliance and Empire was taking place on the Carteneau Flats, Kamino and four imperial soldiers were tasked with patrolling the fringes of Zanr'ak, to keep an eye on the Amalj'aa. When the soldiers' backs were turned away from him, Kamino set the imps ablaze in one shot. Unbeknownst to him, a group of the desert-native tribesmen had witnessed the act. They welcomed the miqo'te into Zanr'ak with open arms.
Just as the blasphemous primal bahamut laid waste to Aldenard, Kamino passed out and awakened at the Ring of Ash. There, he was allowed to live and work in relative safety with a new adopted family, befriending and eventually betrothed to his late husband, Rezigg Chah. A copper "arrowhead" styled necklace was gifted to the miqo'te during their exchange of vows. Kamino wears the necklace to this day.
Unfortunately, their union wouldn't last, as the couple were taken and brought to Ifrit…
When Thancred shared with Kamino how the tempered are dealt with, there was no reaction from the Scion's newest recruit. He'd already done the deed years ago. Since Operation Archon, Kamino has taken great strides to make manifest a long-desired dream of his and Rezigg's. Their desire for peace, between the tribesmen and established peoples of Eorzea, a goal that comes closer to fruition day by day.
I have been looking forward to watching this ever since you started doing these tribesmen lore videos.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Scribe. This was a wonderful look into one of my top favorite peoples in FFXIV.
(Ah, hell I forgot to mention!) THE ARTWORK HERE IS STUNNING! WOO! Massive props to the artist, it's all beautiful!
I love that the Amal'jaa's way of thinking isn't necessarily might equals right or only pure fighting strength is needed, but it's more a belief in having pride and being willing to stand up for oneself. It's a warrior culture with a lot of nuances to it, and clearly they celebrate life just as much seeing how they tend to excel at animal husbandry, a job that requires a lot of care and empathy along with how they treat the event of newborns.
fINALY another beast tribe video
This video, more than serving as window into Amal'jaa life and customs, piques my curiosity for how one might conceivably do a campaign for players playing as members of the different Beast Tribes. For this and other reasons I genuinely hope for a chance at having a similar look into the other Beast Tribes of the world.
Before the sundering? Im confused, i thought all shards were non existsnt untill the sundering. Reflections. Even the source was nothing alike to its previous. How can they be before this? What quest have i missed! Am i being stupid! Aaahhhhh…. just when i thought i had it. 8 long years….