Final Fantasy XIV is a massive game with thousands of hours of content. What I’m gonna do here is break down some of the major plot points for those of you who wanna know more about Eorzea but may not have time to experience it all first hand. This time we’re covering the 6th part of our Shadowbringers MSQ Recap.
#FFXIV #Shadowbringers #Titania #Pixie #Lore
Damn fae
It's very weird and frustrating how Thancred acts around Ryne/Minfilia she keeps sending mixed signals
That would explain why Titania has so many Elemental attacks like Fire Ice Water Wood Earth Wind
And people question why I love the Amaro so much.
Numou are good bois
For what it's worth, when I tell my cat to roll over, he just looks at me as if to say, "Stupid man. I rule the world."
Seto 😭 I think Il Mheg is when the story started burrowing into my soul.
Love these videos, thank you so much! Looking forward to more of them 🙂
Thanks for this!
Yasss!! Pleez moar! 😛
Great video as usual, keep it up!
Hey chief just wondering if you’re going to continue this series? Thanks for all your work!
ommmgg pls part 7
Wonderful job! Keep it coming!
Can't let the fuath ruin the glams, that's the true endgame! Also, young Minfilia is a little more helpful than our long-lost Daphne 😉
Ohh, love the new intro (I am new to your channel and barely just watching these lol)