FFXIV Lore- History of the Lucrative Lalafell

The lalafell were next on my list for updating my first ever videos! I’m really happy that these videos are now in a much more …


37 thoughts on “FFXIV Lore- History of the Lucrative Lalafell”

  1. Wait, just a thought, how many Lalas did you see serving in the Garlean Army? I can't recollect any Lalas and Garleans were recruiting people of all the races, expect for Lalas? Even they knew. What about Asscians, did you ever see an Ascian possessing a lala? They're too evil even for Asscians.

  2. Lalafell have evolutionarily sacrificed physical size & strength to boost their minds & senses, and as such, herrscher dominion over the very fabric of the world itself!
    The Lalafell uprising is not coming, it has already passed!

    *Unbending Steel plays in the background*

  3. Loved hearing about our favorite potatoes, especially where their rhyming names came from. And you're right, it is hard to get mad at Lalafell when they're so small and pettable… except Teledji. Screw that guy.

  4. My people! Lala gang rise up!!! I remember starting this game early last year and thinking "These lil people are so precious but no way I'm gonna stay like this all the way to EW." I tried to fanta and immediately regretted it and I went back.
    Here I am pampering my favorite lil lady ever and starting EW (I started on it's on year anniversary too whoooo!!) It's been a slow ride but I'm happy to have my little friend with me the whole way.

  5. I asked the lorekeeper Sounsyy about plainsfolk pupils some time ago, and her theory is that the vertical slit has the same function as the horizontal slit on herbivores; to help lalafells watch for predators. To help them see above tall grass and/or crops. You likely noticed that many FATEs talk about the enemies eating lalafells. Some of those are apparently native to the southern seas. Those giant mantises and the roc (giant bird) type enemies for sure.
    Also, I'm surprised you didn't bring up the lalafells' original thatched hut houses and the tunnels dug underneath them.

  6. A lalafell probably cannot punch you with much force unless they’re a trained pugilist, but they can jump and headbutt you in the stomach/gonads to bring you down if they must.

  7. Funny enough, mages aren’t the only kind of Lalafell one needs to be wary of.
    As Commander Pipin Terupin, and Captain Alka Zolka have proven, they’re no slouches in close combat either

  8. I will never underestimate Lalafells, EVER. Till this day and now, they're one of the many reasons I keep going on adventures. And also procuring high grade items for them to sell as well to buy from them.


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