Let me emphasize here. ALL TOOLTIPS ARE TENTATIVE. It’s part of why I am not even bothering to read the tooltips people have translated or trying to piece together how the jobs play beyond a surface level. That and I learn better with full set of skills, with official explanations. Also the pretty pictures in front of me in HD.
But yeah, remember, DON’T FREAK OUT…. unless you’re Scholar. Then you have my permission to freak out.
Job Skill Showcase: https://youtu.be/WCVcgZ8dtD0
Reaper Tooltip Translations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M35g6bm9LSq7VTjXbWsb_oU-UQmmBDfdFMOqLkwejjI/edit
Sage Translations: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/pqgsxw/2126_sage_skill_tool_tips_i_gathered_from_the_ll/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/weskalber
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WeskAlber
Discord: https://discord.gg/mbZkAgy3ej
Intro Info: 0:00
Tanks: 3:50
PLD: 7:56
WAR: 9:53
DRK: 12:04
GNB: 14:03
Melee: 16:31
DRG: 19:05
MNK: 25:57
SAM: 31:39
NIN: 33:30
RPR: 36:02
Ranged: 43:16
BRD: 43:54
MCH: 45:03
DNC: 47:40
Mages: 49:45
BLM: 50:10
RDM: 52:52
SMN: 56:50
Healers: 1:02:12
WHM: 1:04:16
AST: 1:05:26
SCH: 1:07:47
SGE: 1:11:52
Job Outro: 1:15:20
Misc. and UI Stuff: 1:16:19
Gatherer stuff: 1:32:18
The End: 1:39:19
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© SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
#FFXIV #Endwalker #Jobs
I want to also further explain the problems with a "speed boost" for SCH. It's not just some pure positive skill, and the "main" positive of the speed boost is not the lack of flash. White Mage's Bush looks cool and I wanna use it. It wasn't flashy. Dark Knight got a couple of changes I could see that were not explained. Wasn't flashy. Etc.
First let's talk why the skill is a BAD IDEA. Since people seem to only see the positives. You're on a small arena. Let's say E9S for those who know that one. The amount of space you have to move around in is that of a small closet. You make very tiny but deliberate movements when required. Suddenly, you get the SCH speed boost. You go further than you expect. You have to correct course, but you end up walking off the edge of the arena instead. Party Wipes.
Now take any fight with Forced March. Forced March is not a distance based move. It's a timer. If the timer lasts for the arena's radius, you can ignore the timer and just go based on distance. Suddenly you go a radius and a half and into the death walls or such. The Scholar used their speed boost right before the mechanic. You hadn't noticed in time because you're focused on your own performance in this difficult fight.
Now, the positives. The fact it does have a defensive piece is great. That'll be nice. You can dodge mechanics better. Sure. You had lots of leeway anyway, even with greeding. Anytime you didn't…. you just used Sprint. I could POTENTIALLY see this useful for Limit Cut in TEA, since you could place it at the start and everyone is now the same speed. But yeah, why use this SCH skill… when it looks like Sprint is faster? Not even "the same speed." Faster, and entirely under your control.
But then there's also… Scholar doesn't live in a vaccum. All those "flashy skills" you're saying are why people think SCH looks disappointing? You're right, but not in the way you think. Dragoon has a 2nd Spineshatter for gapclosing. NIN has the lightning strike thing and already has a passive speed boost. Shukuchi now also works better. MNK can teleport behind you to both enemies and allies. Reaper has a portal that negates all need for movement like BLM. Which BLM has Aetherial Manip and Between the Lines. But I could MAYBE see BLM liking this speed boost still in the highest level of encounters. So hey, 1 job likes SCH's new toy!
RDM is movement galore. SMN looks to be 90% instant cast spells. Ranged jobs have no excuse. Healers have a 1.5 GCD for all offensive moves and their own instant cast/speed tools. WAR has its gapcloser for free now. All the other tanks have gapclosers too. And all physical jobs can now use ranged attacks without breaking combo, so in prog you can play it safe while still doing attacks. Weak attacks are better than none.
Even when SCH gets something that coulda been useful, everyone else got the same things without the need for a SCH. For all we know SCH did get some really good changes. What they showed though in the JOB SHOWCASE, show is even in the name… was not too uplifting.
Maybe I'll be proven wrong once people start putting it into practice, but from where I am sitting as a DRG main of 6 years, I see it as a detriment more than a boon.
And even still, being flashy was the point. It's a VIDEO as a SHOWCASE. It's meant to be flashy. "Here's all the cool shit you CAN do." The way they fight in this is terrible. You probably wouldn't even Grey-parse with gameplay like that. Because you're not meant to be playing like this. It's to show off the skills. I don't think anyone realized that the speedboost skill was a speedboost skill until the slide they mentioned that it was a speedboost skill. It just seemed like a really weird moment in an otherwise very empty SCH showcase. If I was a new player watching this out of context, I'd think Scholar was super boring and not worth my time.
Ironic, since I always thought Summoner was the boring one. I actually like ShB SCH. Fairy is annoying but it's better than Current Cards for AST. Now outside of content, I'm not ever going to touch SCH unless SGE is somehow even worse to play.
So for your new guides will you be doing 80-90 or starting over from 1 again?
– Sees an almost 2 hour long video.
– Grabs a drink as this is going to be a good video.
Samurai also seemed to have some sort of AOE Yukikaze at the beginning, not that I'm really sure why it's a thing, unless "super Midare" is AOE but on a cooldown like Tsubame gaeshi.
I am excited for your future contents that you'll be releasing in the future. You're the one of the best content creator for ffxiv i've found since I started playing the game 2 months ago. You're very objective, concise and intuitive on your guides and that I really really appreciate.
Looks like you'll have to redo all of your Level 1-80 guides in November, Wesk. XD
I'm very excited for your new guides. Thanks for all the content.
One thing I noticed regarding Dragoon:
The 4th Combo hit of their AoE-combo looked very similar to Doom Spike (the first Attack of the Combo) just a lot flashier.
Do you think it could be that Doom Spike just gets "Raiden Thrust"-ified? That it upgrades the first Combo hit upon hitting the third?
Great video! Thanks for the summary – even though I'm only halfway through Stormblood, I'm getting hyped for Endwalker and this was super interesting to listen to.
I think the reaper buff is aoe and how much you get buffed will depend on how many allies it hits (and how many attack during the buff window cuz it seems the reaper got buffed after the BRD attacked).
Wesk almost have singlehandedly been teaching me how to play this game for the past 2 months. I value his opinions the most.
salted earth gets love… but asylum doesn't?
I wonder what happens if you beat all the bosses/mobs in a dungeon but for some reason things go south and the last boss ends up unbeaten. Do you just get nothing for the time and effort invested?
I know it'll be like, peloton speed but I feel like the scholar speedboost will have the same adjustment problems as say Lost Swift in Bozja areas where you'll inadvertently kill your teammates with a speedboost at the wrong time. I don't think they would ever do it but I think if it was a short duration haste buff would have been more interesting (although i can see that screwing over some melees). I'm willing to give scholar a fair shake when its available but needless to say sage is the more interesting counterpart of the two barrier healers
The fact you dont HAVE to follow up every melee combo with your finishers immediately is so cool, for optimising procs or for saving for when you need ranged instacast movement. It will make enchanted reprise a lot less useful but that makes it more of a last resort like intended. Basically what scathe SHOULD be.
I wish they'd rename Ninja's Death Blossom and move the name to Red Mage's new finisher. I say that because the name Death Blossom was originally from FFXI. It was Red Mage's exclusive weapon skill tied to its Nyzul Isle Mythic sword, the Murgleis.
I'm not finished with the video but I already see his post about scholar at the top and boy did I already know it was one of the pinnacle moments of it. I've been running into scholar mains just being okay with their kit; it is comical since I just started Stormblood and did a part where Lyse is talking to Hien about her people in the village just accepting whatever they got and not willing to fight back against the Garlean Empire. I was a BLM when I started turned AST coming to FFXIV, I Recently just got my Scholar to 72, Since I started the utility and Mitigations are sweet but I felt like the class could use so much more help in the aspect of fast reactions and gambling whether or not u needed to use the gauges for certain battles. Aetherflow stacks get literally eaten where I'm at now from fighting trash mobs because the only real pop heal I have is Lustrate and Excog which both require 1 stack of aether flow, then ill hit the whispering dawn when I'm out of ammo, just to pop the second the Aetherflow builder that ends up making the fairy leave… after those stacks, I'm spamming succor and Adlo just to keep people alive eating away at DPS time. Astrologian had no were near these inconsistencies because I could just pop aspected benefic and helios to start my buff/DPS rotation. but what really made me scratch my head was how summoner had an entire kit evolution and to see them NOT do anything with the fairies, how are scholar mains not speaking up on that? Someone literally told me "there are other healers you could play" but maybe there was something that gravitated me towards scholars, the concept of mitigations is nice if only implemented right. I'm no hardcore end game player but even in casual it's really easy to screw up if you truly do not know what you are doing, let alone recover in some instances where you have unknowledgeable party members who are unaware of mechanics because healing potency needs to be accessed with sacrifice. I wouldn't mind if Excog at least didn't cost a stack or if the fairies had unique abilities not necessarily just a summon(while u have Eos active healing, Selene could have the pop skill to debuff current people if you couldn't do it in time). it just felt mad unfair considering how much love everyone else got but scholar lol. I will be keeping my scholar but until then I anticipate sage, because of how I could keep shields up through damage; that system already sounds miles better. Overall my FFXIV ride has been truly amazing, especially rewarding when you play a role class, so all this "its a speed buff, you got something" talk is very sad.
Oh hey i appear in this video xD did a random leveling roulette and got Bardam's Mettle i was like "wait i'm healing Wesk?" We did have a little accident but oh well orz
Love your videos! As someone who isn't a high end raider at all this is some more indepth stuff in the battle segments. I agree with the sentiment sch is in a worrying place, they did say they were pleased with the position it is at the moment so they didn't change a lot, but then having the only new thing be a vague "single ally buff" and "battle peloton"… is at least disappointing. It's fun but i don't see much use. At least pvp you move a lot and fast movement is great, but peloton works all times in there…
I am also worried with the leveling curve of Summoner. Having only 5 buttons for like 50 lvls is not great for a new player.. but again we don't know how their skills will actually work. And monk looks wayyy more interesting i might actually level mine now.
In general really excited for all those new battle stuff. I also agree that no HQ items is a pretty weird idea that doesn't help that much. Won't that make gathering maybe more.. boring? 🙁
21:30 regarding that and potencies in general, they very much said that the only thing that will change on the players' end is the tooltip numbers, the actual damage will remain the same. I don't know why people keep getting lost in this, I think it's pretty simple.
this was a lot easier to understand than the actual LL
Hell, about the "no need for shield if you're BIS". It's that way now. They making it so 100% of PUG group will have shield, could make future raids needing shields.
About the stat squish. Power level are staying the same in theory. Will be interesting to see if it actually holds true when live.
"So, if you think of machinist as basically Edgar from final fantasy 6, monk is now basically Sabin from ff6 now."
Pauses video
Buys endwalker
Ok, please continue, you were saying ?
Beyond that, thank you again for your detailed, spoiler free explanations as a white mage who just finished the kobold primal in the story. I too am a little concerned about the gatherer stuff; maybe, instead of using high quality items you can burn multiple sets of items to boost starting quality? I am holding judgement until details, but maybe them saying this now makes sense, so that by the time that rolls around people aren't shocked that hq is gone and we can all focus on what is being changed to deal with that.
Also gathering levequests are a thing, so, I wouldn't worry about the leveling side per se.
delete raise macros
Ppl that want complexity don’t understand what complexity are and how the game is played instead of just making more difficult executions.
Though it’s minority but the main thing is the gameplay overall and how the combat is designed to play. With HW combat, you definitely won’t be able to clear any ShB contents at all if they increase the challenge difficulty with speed kill and action combat mechanics.
The game didn’t do well like now if 3.0 is still on the table. Though, the most important part is the enemy design. They’re going to change the mechanic and encounter design for all enemies with part of the change is down syncing power creep in the current version due to rDPS has changed to aDPS and every job has the same treatment to improve the combat power for potential damage and self substain.
2:12 Ley Lines has to be intentionally offset because major movement mechanics also usually happen on a 120 second timer from my experience
3:53 I feel like they’re also upping the damage of tankbusters across the board because they’re pushing Barrier healers super hard and it’s hard to justify needing them if we didn’t need the overheal
9:26 I really like this change, since Confiteor was so loaded, many PLD parses boiled down to whether it crit
26:37 Irrelevant to the video but the SCH in the gameplay is pretty good
17:25 NINs being forced to feint during their burst 👽
33:53 It’s 60 seconds now because it’s also a Damaging Ability (oGCD) meaning you should be using it under TA
34:58 I’m probably wrong I hope they didn’t dash back before using the wind clone kamikaze because it only works out of melee range
39:03 RIP 🪦💀 my low ping ass
50:39 Yoshi-P probably has BLM changes planned several expansions ahead in order to keep it the same. One of my favorite things about the job is that I can trust it’ll always be playable
1:00:43 imo, it’s fair to give SMN extra mobility because if they die, they’ll lose all their chaos emeralds
1:03:57 I agree with that guy, they also gave everyone easy access to gap closers – even healers like Sage got one and SCH has the cursed🏃♀️
1:05:33 I pray for all the AST mains out there that they didn’t break the job again
1:07:48 SCH 🤡 players watching the trailer be like: 𝓑𝓻𝓾𝓱
1:11:50 Many of the Sage skills are highly similar to SCH skills and they even have their own version of Aetherflow. To add insult to injury, the parts of the toolkit that are different are the best parts of SGE and the worst of SCH
Also with the Scholar speed boost, maybe instead of a speed boost it should just reset Sprint's cooldown, or empower the next sprint, or something like that, so it would help counteract some of the negative points you brought up and will be a straight boost under all circumstances.
any time stamp saviors?
Excited by your Summoner 6.0 Skills Guide!
Why do you have so many limit breaks on your hud?
bards are not lame 🥺
I'm looking forward to your new job guides… That's because every time i have any doubt about any job, i come to your videos. Keep up the great work!
Nothing more harrowing than a paragraph long OC rez macro from an otherwise silent healer/dps
Thanks for fully covering every announcement they made in the LL regarding Blue Mage!
Its not a flood of darkness upgrade, since he uses it on the video, and the new skill doesn't refresh darkside
I took the changes to Raid Finder (requiring 1 barrier and 1 pure healer) to mean that they'll most likely be balancing raids around having that setup. I dunno if that was already the case, but it seemed like that was what they were implying with that change.
I’m so happy as a bard. I don’t know how it will feel yet, but it seems like a step towards everything I want
It'll be interesting to see what happens to arcanist with these changes. It'll be weird if arcanist remains the same and then you get to 30 and it goes "You know those abilities you used for the last 30 levels? Forget those." (I'm now thinking that in your voice as if it was in the skills guide).
I love hearing this man’s opinions, but ya know what, Flashdrive boss hits different with the Orchestral Mobius as BGM
i thought i saw carbi give a shield
Well, this PLL was pretty much an awakening for me. Guess liking classes for certain stuff will make them take this stuff away from me. -.-
When I started, I was intrigued by the AST for its shielding and buff qualities (aka supporter class). The buffs were a misjudgement b/c of the guides I was watching were outdated and used a Card System I never have seen on my own. And the shields are gone now.
On the other side of the coin was the SMN with the DoT's that came closest to an actual debuff class. -.- I'm afraid for DNC now b/c I like the RNG emphasis…
Or I really should flip the table on fate and chose BLM for its high skill ceiling. That would teach them. evil grin