FFXIV – Leveling 1-50 in Under Eight Hours

Squadron Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL2w_lvNsIA

Every Way To Level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IOdiwABIJk

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27 thoughts on “FFXIV – Leveling 1-50 in Under Eight Hours”

  1. There is a way easier method for 1-15 if you have a friend. Outside Aleport there are level 15 "friendly" mobs. The person leveling tags mobs and the friend who is higher level kills them. Rinse and repeat until level the person leveling is 15. Fifteen is a great level because then you can start doing dungeons.

  2. Aurum Vale actually gives loads of exp especially if you clear all the mobs and let the Morbol seedlings sprout before killing them. Coin Counter can be tricky but there's a spot in the north where you can tank it where none of its attacks will hit the NPCs. If you're not tanking it, bring GC Tonics in case you need to revive someone. I find that Arcanist + Bard is the best combo. Arcanist's pet + placed AoE does insane damage and will often out-DPS the bard at max level with all points put into Offensive. I think the GC Squad system still works on the 2.x battle system (excluding TP), so they have some OP skills, and can often easily pull aggro off a tank.

  3. I hate Squadrons. By the time I got my squadron properly leveled where I could actually use them, I already hit 50 with all my classes just waiting around doing dungeon runs with regular peeps.

  4. I just do leve quests while waiting for dungeon roullettes. Those squadron dungeon runs are extremely annoying to deal with. For me anyways. And palace of dead and heaven on high are good exp resources.

  5. I've actually found it to be quick if you level through potd floors 51-60 on repeat bc you don't necessarily need queue times and you can start at any level since potd has it's own leveling system in it. Not sure if this helps anyone, but figured it's worth mentioning

  6. Oh so this is largely for the influx of new players then.

    I have all jobs 80, and the best way to level alts is Bozja BY FAR especially if you have the earrings from collecting what is it 1000 actions ? It gives you a ridiculous EXP boost, on top of Zadnor offering yet more bonus EXP (and the medals making it even easier with jacked stats).

  7. I would recommend doing the Frontline roulette once you get to level 30. It might be a little jarring since you get a separate PvP toolkit and you might not be the most effective member if you go in blind (you can go to the Wolves’ Den to play around with your PvP toolbar). However, 1) it’s mostly a zerg, so even if you are ineffective, it’s not the worst, just stick with the big group, 2) it grants you a ton of experience when you complete it, even if your team comes in last place, and 3) if you have another job you’re familiar with at a higher level , you can switch to that job before the match begins and still get experience for the job you signed up as.


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