FFXIV: Letter from the Producer Live Part LXIX (69) Summary

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#FFXIV #Meoni

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
Licence: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


43 thoughts on “FFXIV: Letter from the Producer Live Part LXIX (69) Summary”

  1. Thank you for the speedy summary as always, Meoni! 😀 I always look for your video when there's a LL.

    Also… I giggled when I saw that it was Live Letter 69. Nice. /pdead

  2. I cried when he said only 5 plates. I mean its nice. But I was hoping for 8 and praying for double. As for the space… I'm not close to 400 yet myself because I only have 2 types of classes to 90, I'm a viera, so I only have a few hats that do work, plus All Classes oufits, and I don't buy from mogstation cause I can't afford it lol I also usually use just false nails or a few select gloves, and boots as well on everything unless its a set.

  3. In Haukke Manor, they intended for you to backtrack and go back up the stairs to the last boss. Adding this teleport will make the original intent pointless. While thats kind of sad, realistically, nobody ever walks back and this is probably preferable to some how forcing players to walk back as intended. My feelings on this are mixed though leaning toward positive

  4. Now that they've finally done shit for the shb races…5 months after Shb ended, all hrothgar and viera must join hands and pray that they actually follow thru and make all hats and hairstyles in 6.1 AND ON actually freaking work.
    They had no excuse to make nothing in shb not work for the two shb races, they're out of excuses, just make shit fit. Its been 2 years, going on three, since theyve been playable please start caring about them.

  5. Im hoping the mogstation update this monday degenderlocks a bunch of sets and FINALLY makes cash shop hats work on viera and hrothgar. If you have to pay extra to obtain something, it should work on your character, I dont care if it was made in 1.0 or what people are paying extra it shouldnt be locked to races you arent interested in playing.

  6. I don't know how to feel with him saying we are going back to "just being a adventurer again" it feels a little determental to everything the Warrior of Light did in my opinion.

  7. hope with the adjustments to the 8 man dungeons they up the difficulty a little. They could be cleared almost as fast as cape westwind if you removed the cutscenes.

  8. That minion, and presumably orchestra scroll filter is something I was hoping for.
    Ideally I'd like something more like a WoW addon/mod called Altus Loot, where pretty much every gear item was viewable by source. Was useful for both evaluating gear to get, and for fashion purposes.

  9. clarification? inside the game? no supplementary book titled "Omega : Beyond the Rift" available at your local book store or online retailer for $49.95? what sorcery is this.

  10. The Haukke Manor teleport made me strangely happy. If there are sprouts in my group and I don't see them hitting Return, I'll tell them in party chat; but I remember when I was a sprout, no one told me what was going on. I had to speak up before anyone told me. :/ Same thing with Praetorium and rushing past the first packs of mobs. People just want to rush through without explaining anything, so I'm glad those changes are being implemented.

    As for marking things you've already obtained…of COURSE, after I just added a plugin that does the same thing. 😂


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