FFXIV – Job Balance Issue in 6.2 | The Reason of Players switching to GNB/DRK from WAR/PLD

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12 thoughts on “FFXIV – Job Balance Issue in 6.2 | The Reason of Players switching to GNB/DRK from WAR/PLD”

  1. not my intention to discredit you since I do agree with the premise, but I feel there's a bit of a problem of presentation of datas, currently there are too few logs of WAR and PLD to make a fair comparison, now I don't think that a bigger size would've had different results however I do feel it should've been mentioned

  2. I have always thought aDPS is a more important parameter for Tanks and SAM/BLM/MCH (namely the selfish dps) since none of them has raid buff contributions. So the parameter that actually measure their contribution to the raid damage output is aDPS since it tells how well these jobs play into raid buffs.
    Also on the topic of job balancing. I am just so baffled by how bad the balancing is in 6.2. Take PLD/WAR/MCH for example, these jobs have been underperforming since 6.0 and they are still underwhelming in 6.2. SE already had asphodeles and dsr as samples to
    look at and they still screw 6.2 up so bad. It's just unbelievable. They have also been contradicting themselves in job changes, for example, they first changed all the raid buffs to 2mins in order to emphasize party synergy. And then they did nothing to adjust PLD's issue with raid buff alignments, later on they went onto screwed SAM's party synergy as well, which in turn led to more discourse so they had to made the 6.2 changes to crit/dh mechanics. Like… just wtf are they doing?

  3. I've been hearing about this job deal with the tanks. Still worth hearing different takes. Hopefully they find a way to balance things without overkilling it. I feel they will if people give good constructive criticism.

  4. I think you misinterpreted the data here and also drew some odd conclusions. The graph "looks bad" because the scale is different due to less general parses and less lower outliers. The delta between median and upper Q adps for the tanks is 300-350 range, at 99 percentile 400, and the absolute maximum recorded (crit variance, comp differences, etc) hits 650. Compare this to last tier and you'll find similar numbers, in some cases worse (paladin was more of an outlier at the start of last tier). Nothing has changed. Players expected an easier check because of the delay and were surprised when that ended up not being the case.

    The logic about this effect casual players clearing in week 8 is even more odd, by week 8 players will have substantial gear gains and one additional week to a player clearing that late isn't breaking their game. If this was actually an issue, it would only impact players week 1, maybe week 2 and only realistically strong players but not the absolute best players.

  5. Something people gloss over is that the job balance issue doesn't only fuck up week 1 raiders who might not have the meta teamcomp in their static. They can funnel gear into their hard hitting dps and get the clear week 2 or in the worst case scenario week 3.

    It has a much bigger effect on people who don't have a static ready to go and are forced to rely on Party Finder. A lot of PF groups that make even a semi-serious attempt at P8S just lock out or kick you if you are on one of the undesirable jobs – PLD, WAR, RDM, MCH, I've seen some groups lock out RPR too for good measure. Some people do it for P7S too just to be safe.

    And this is unlikely to change for the next 2-4 weeks at the very least because you can't trust a random MCH trying to join your group to be one of those god tier players who can somehow squeeze a decent dps out of the class so why take the risk at all? So the underperforming classes will keep being excluded until the ilvl gets high enough that the dps check becomes a nonissue. And that's not even accounting for something my friends call the "Byakko problem". There will always be people who hear that X jobs were excluded from early PF groups and just stick to that for good measure, even if they don't understand the specifics, the same way "one player per job" became a permanent fixture even for fights where it had no impact (hello Emerald 'no LB3 allowed' EX) because a lot of people never knew why it was a thing in the first place.

    The whole thing just makes for a very unpleasant PF experience and I know far too many people who are already soured on a tier with otherwise really good and enjoyable fights because of it.

  6. The problem compounds here with PLD's supposed "more utility"…Cover is useless for these fights since it's double TB's or vulns where you have to swap, so it gets little value. Intervention is nice, but, compared to TBN with an Oblation, Bloodwhetting, or that big ass heal from HoC with a 30 percent mit on it for 4s is just underwhelming, also consider that in order to use your tank mit you need to make sure you have enough for yourself to use Holy Sheltron as you need to be auto'ing the boss in order to do so.

    Also, Veil needs to be popped by your own heal, or by a GCD heal. Shake has no such problem, can be buffed, and applies also to the Warrior. So with all of these god damn bleeds, Shake is actually BETTER overall lol. And you can precisely time it to go out when you need it to versus veil.

    Passage of arms is just shit, honestly. HoL and Missionary are just superior to it in every way. They last for three times as long and you can fuck off to narnia once you have it on you, vs. Passage being 2 minutes vs 90s and being tied to only when the party is stacked. This tier has very little opportunities for this to happen reasonably where you get LESS usages from passage vs using HoL and Missionary on CD.

    Compound that with lower damage and why the fuck would you take PLD? You are literally greifing your group by taking PLD. SImple as that. You are forcing your team to work HARDER for you.

    Warrior's lower damage is negating somewhat by it's huge suite of heals to make prog comfortable. However, Healer damage is lower than tank damage by a considerable margin, and given that healers heal more Wk1, "healing less for the tanks to increase healer dmg" isn't how it is for ShB, where healer damage was a huge part of party damage where WHMs and SCHs could get close to and sometimes overtake tanks in dps. It's better to have to have the healers heal a DRK or GNB more, because they offer more damage than the healers would be saving by casting a glare or broil.

    TLDR: Go DRK or GNB if you actually give a shit about your team and aren't selfish. WAR is acceptable, but you probably should swap to GNB/DRK for the last fight.

  7. I feel like ppl dont understand this but like war and pld cant be doing more dmg than drk and gnb. War and pld have the most utility and have low cpm compaired to drk gnb.

    If war started doing more or almost as much dmg as drk and gnb then why even take drk ? Like war can heal has a raid wide shield and is easy to play.

    Bottom line is i think this is what SE wants drk gnb to be the highest war pld to be the lowest and also there is always a bottom dps tank. If they wanna balance it all they gonna do is get war closer to pld. And gnb closer to drk which what they have been doing just by looking at patch notes alone

  8. I'm fine with differences in dps in tanks. It's always been there and rightfully so based on job difficulty (except for PLD). The problem is the damn dps check. Xenosys switched to GNB just to clear p8s door boss. He didn't even do this shit for DSR. This is plain bad balancing. I doubt SE's game balance department even plays the game at all. I wanna see SE testing staff clear p8s door boss with WAR PLD WHM SGE RPR DRG MCH RDM using week 2 gear, if testing staff exist at all. It's complete BS that you are forced to play certain classes just to meet the dps check.

  9. I don't think the difference will be an issue. For instance, everyone will have better gear sooner than usual. Last tier dps checks were easy in penta craft and they didn't adjust savage this time around

  10. The damage of tanks is more so do to the freedom within GNBs and DRK's rotation. They simply can hold and let loose whenever they want without a loss due to the fact that their DPS is not locked to a single burst window. You see the same problem with RPR. It damage is Enshroud. Everything else is just filler. DRK can go crazy every minute if it wants. Delirium is icing on the cake as the real power comes from the ogcds it can do at anytime. GNB doesnt even have a rotation, you simply pop off when the buffs fly out. In fact the biggest buff needs to come to PLD, cause people think that it should be lowest DPS because of Passage when DRK can do that every few minutes for free and no DPS loss. Then you got that it needs to basically look at the fight in the most spreadsheet Excel way because 1 second from the boss means you lose billion damage.


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