FFXIV: Instagram Solution 9 Artwork! Part 2


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#FFXIV #Meoni #dawntrail
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
By Masayoshi Soken

Music from https://filmmusic.io:
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)
License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)


39 thoughts on “FFXIV: Instagram Solution 9 Artwork! Part 2”

  1. It's Terra. They have stored souls and the people are either robots or genomes. I'd guess they traveled over during a rejoining but haven't come out because the world isn't ready yet. Valigarmanda is probably a primal from their world that they summon to protect the city and the throne contest is a clever way to introduce the heirs to their secret neighbors.

  2. It's interesting how the people are all wearing wildly varied outfits. Usually the npcs in hubs have small amounts of variety with clothing, but otherwise follow a certain style of dress. I wonder if the dev team will flex their skills by having the npcs in solution 9 all wear outifts of completely different styles as a reflection of how people in irl metropolitan areas are seen.

  3. Me watches Meoni cause he always posts video's on the latest ffxiv. And I want to stay updated. also he avoids drama. also he has a nice british accent Haters on the internet: we don't like that

  4. If it is meant to relate to Esther from FF8, I'm more worried if they intend to bring back the FF8 version of the Malboro, also what I consider the most dangerous version of the morbol line as well

  5. o/ thank you for covering instagram. Last place I would have checked for ff14 news.

    I wonder if there will be a public garden/ park area? We do see green plants.

    Also now I am also wondering how many more pictures there are. We went from 4 to 6 open sides. So exciting

  6. I know the pieces are in the game from separate sets but I wonder if they may make a full separate set for that female outfit as a Vanity set for Solution 9.

    It will not be the first time they repurposed armor sets and pieces to make a new vanity set without any job restrictions and did a few modifications to the design.

  7. I really wish you could server hop from the player hubs in the expansions. The hubs feel dead once everyone is done with them. Or maybe they could have rotating events to draw players to them.

  8. yeah, meoni, how dare you post a video on the ONE thing you cover?! 😂 those people are ridiculous… i, for one, am hyped to see what ever this unfolds unto… similar, but definitely different to the allagans or omicrons… previous art has shown hyur and miqo'te in the "Ads"… i wonder if it's another star's version of the crystal tower?

  9. Dont get why people were mad about your last video?!?!
    I really do appreciate the people who were able to pin out that Vieras outfit she looks incredible in it!

    The art looks awesome and hope this means we get to see the full piece soon especially since the media tours have ended and that info could be out any day now.

  10. Meoni, there's been an outburst of angry XIV gamers that leave dumb comments on here, Reddit, and official forums. Started with the EU fanfest when they announced Viper, and even more after the job action trailer. Someone posts excitement, the gamers post and insult or question their intelligence as some sort of "gotcha". They're the embodiment of "STOP HAVING FUN" meme.

    I made a comment about how I liked Viper, and someone replied that my take is shallow on "the matter" as if I said something wrong. This happened to me at least three times now. Not sure if I have a creepy stalker with bots or just wrong place, wrong time.

    You do you man.

  11. Dude, I am praying so hard that this place is a bustling city with lots of people walking around and cars driving all over the place. I hope this place is like Tokyo or New York City. Those pathways that are going through the air are highways. I am so tired of Abandoned cities like tempest and garlemald . Well garlemald isn't exactly abandoned but look at it! Looks like someone dropped a huge nuke in that place. If this place turns out yet another empty boring city I'm going to be sorely disappointed.


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