FFXIV: Heavensward – A Realm Matured

I played Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward, an expansion pack developed and published by Square Enix, and thought it was exceptional. Here is why I thought it was exceptional. Maybe you think it is exceptional too. Maybe you do not. Subjectivity is awesome, isn’t it? I love subjectivity, in fact, they call me Dr. Subjectivity. Heavensward is a neat expansion. Do play it. I highly recommend it. Or don’t, I’m not your mama.

Genuine apologies for taking so long to get to this one. I want to try to get FFXIV content out faster.

Nashu spaghetti train image made by Lauren H. Thank you very much!

Intro: 0:00
Writing: 3:49
Characters: 16:04
Game Design: 31:36
Dark Knight: 38:16
Graphics: 44:07
Music: 50:01
Voice Acting: 55:57
Conclusion: 1:01:36

#FFXIV #heavensward #SquareEnix #gaming


14 thoughts on “FFXIV: Heavensward – A Realm Matured”

  1. Hey everyone! Just wanted to apologize in advance for the inconsistency in audio volume between the voice clips. I bought a new microphone and am still learning how to use it. I tried to fix as much of it as I could during editing but I hope it's not too grating!

  2. Hooray, Cretin returns with another elaborate XIV video essay!
    Don't worry too much about taking your time getting these out – the time and effort spent shows, and in a weird way the sparsity makes these more special.

    "Pray return to the Ul'dah Aftermath" is a commonly agreed upon flaw in otherwise great writing of Heavensward. Repeatedly forcing you to abandon your time-critical task of trying to end the Dragonsong War to instead go deal with the aftermath of the Bloody Banquet – only to find out that there has been close to no lasting consequences to what was previously The Fundamental Event. It feels like it cheapens the end of ARR, and simultaneously breaks the flow of the Dragonsong War narrative.
    It's almost as if the world/writing team got scared of the potential consequences of the Sultana dying, and rushed to write an undo. Sure, they managed to make it make sense, but it still stinks of a ret-con.

    The expanded character writing is certainly a stark contrast to ARR. Estinien and Ysayle are easily highlights of the cast, and the Fortemps family serves as an endearing supporting "home base" cast, making makes the tragedy that strikes the family hit harder.
    Alphinaud's growth, and Shtola's unexpected characterization through the interactions with her sister and Master Matoya are also great improvements over the more surface-level look we got at the Scions in ARR.
    And all of this supported by the magnificent new UK voice cast. (RIP Stephen Critchlow & Sheila Steafel – you will live on through your amazing performances)

    As a Dark Knight main myself, I'm glad you enjoyed its gameplay alongside its deservedly praised job quest narrative.
    I like to think of DRK as "a thinking man's tank" – the MP and Darkside management is, as you noted, something that other tanks seem to lack, and higher levels add other mechanics that solidify DRK as a tank that rewards foreknowledge and thought more than I've found other tanks doing. Tanking as a Warrior especially can easily dip into brainless mode with its overtuned self-sustainability.

    It's great to see you continuing to enjoy your time with FFXIV – glad Heavensward didn't turn out overhyped for you.
    I'm looking forward to hearing more from you whenever you find time to tackle the patch content!

  3. There is a nuance to the whole "it gets good at Heavensward." I have seen too many people plain skip ARR or hate playing ARR thinking the tab target MMO part would improve. Its important to note that ARR is not bad, and if you think so the game as a whole may not be for you. (especially after the clean up) With that in mind if you liked ARR well enough then HW blows thine socks right off. Its always a hard topic to touch on because it is both accurate and also gives outsiders a very incorrect impression. It ends up setting new players into bad habits while also gate keeping others out.

  4. Spoilers for the Dark Knight questline (just stuff covered on the video);

    I think the DK quests are a great experience IF you can get behind what they're putting down with Fray. But Ive always enjoyed side quests and helping people, to some a 'thank you' is hollow praise but my WoL was more proud of the little things she did. Like a friendly neighborhood Spiderman. Er, Lalafell. So I didnt jive with the story at all because Im a crafting, gathering, side quest doing slowpoke who never felt like Fray. And having the script flip to Fray being us took away my own agency to decide how my WoL viewed her adventures thus far.

    Basically they are well written but not my cup of tea. My WoL just aint angry like that (at least not at that point in MSQ and certainly not over something like that).

    On another note, the campfire scene is my favourite moment in HW up to the point this video covers. Theres something about seeing them all there, nearly to the summit, and seeing how far theyve all come in their own way.

    Also Tataru getting a chance to shine this expansion!

  5. Heavensward actually adds three jobs.

    Also, the jobs are introduced at the level of the previous expansion (or in this case, when you unlock jobs), and are retroactively worked in.
    This idea falls apart a bit as Heavensward stuck them in the expansion city.


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