FFXIV Healers, Homogenization, and Sage Ft. @FFXIVMomo & @Cole Evyx

On the Crystal Core Radio Podcast @FFXIVMomo and @Cole Evyx share their thoughts on the four healers of FFXIV Endwalker and thoughts on Homogenization Full Podcast: https://youtu.be/wTK1mozm60E
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12 thoughts on “FFXIV Healers, Homogenization, and Sage Ft. @FFXIVMomo & @Cole Evyx”

  1. I reallly like Astro, but it feels the hardest to play well when not in a strong group. Between heals, cards system (that can be heals, dps, and support) and dps, with the number of skills feels so busy. Even just putting the buffs on people you are moving away from targets you need to heal or mobs to dps.. it’s a lot.. kudos to great Astro players

  2. Nice to see Cole and Momo on here. I enjoy both of their content. I’m so excited for sage. As a controller player, I hope I can make it work for me.

  3. I already decided to play Astro and Sage. On the scholar I didnt really like him but I think thats more because as Cole said he can some what run out of steam and as a midcore player that plays a lot of random content scholar seems to lack the ability to carry a group. On the other hand, I can see scholar beeing the go to shield healer for prog in high end, because with good preperation he is probably the strongest healer out there.

  4. The healers that I'm seeing is the perfect time to get into healers for Endwalker. Because I remember Healing was a chore for the last few expansions, only a few would play it and even in Shadowbringers people would return from being gone for like a few years and return to healing, and would not understand that in Shadowbringers dungeons and most raids that the content is more punishing on lazy healers who thought the tank can just take a normal regen and be fine. There was one time I was redoing Eden Icoclasm, Idol and the portal colors, when that was new and we had a Scholar with Eden's Gate gear who didn't want to heal, and their Fairy would heal instead saying "I'm not the healer". Even refusing to raise the new white mage who hasn't done this content, and tell the Red Mage (Me) raise her. The whole "White Mage is main healer because they heal more" mindset, even if they died. Hopefully this would help the transitions of healers going into Endwalker. I know my two healing friends will totally be the Astro/Sage build and I'll still be the only White Mage of the group lol.

  5. I think Momo really hit on the head why I like Scholar the most.

    Ya, it sucks having the kits fight each other and yes, it does seem really complex.

    But man, it does feel great when you line up abilities and combo them together to create a smooth run you felt in control the whole time.

    Enjoying city-builders, RTS, and triple-X games like civ…lots of long-term planning and strategy. So…I guess SCH makes sense.

  6. Part of me wishes Astrodyne worked like Mudras where the seals corresponded with the different buffs. Like, just having a Sun Seal gave you the 5% damage and heal bonus. But I understand the way it is now, we'll have a guaranteed Refresh and usually the haste so there's value in that. And at the end of the day we wouldn't have control over it anyway cause like they said, we can't eve Sac a card with Major Arcana. But I feel like I would just like that flavor.

  7. Is it weird I find astro a lot easier to play than scholar? 🤔 AST has more buttons, but the kit works with itself. Scholar always seems like I'm sacrificing something for something else, and I never feel confident if I'm making the right sacrifice. Makes it harder and more anxiety inducing for me to learn. I did fine with the pre-emptive shielding playing DRK so I'm hoping I like sage and that my issue with scholar is not the shielding aspect.

    Tbf I also play WHM and what I love about AST more is being able to pre-emptively heal. I actually find it a bit easier to carry. I am excited to play WHM with 1.5 gcd. It would be lovely to weave assize and tetra and blood lily (I believe the lily heals are still GCD, really wish they weren't, lemme be a true glare mage).

  8. Oh and second comment! The mangled hand thing is what my fiance and I call the Souls hand, because when you play Dark Souls and Bloodborne you gotta make this claw. That experience made healing easier for me 😂


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