FFXIV Healers and Which is Best for You

Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) is an amazing MMORPG, with great Healers, but the question is, which one is right for you? Are you a new player or veteran healer, either one we can find one just right for you!

0:00 Introduction
1:23 White Mage
3:58 Astrologian
5:50 Scholar

Forgive me I have a little bit of a cold when filming! Hopefully, it doesn’t come across too much!


30 thoughts on “FFXIV Healers and Which is Best for You”

  1. Whm all the way but interested in that new healing class in the new expansion. I highly doubt I'll change up but looking forward to it nonetheless. Great vid, keep up the great work!

  2. tbh I was pretty intimidated hearing always about the card system of AST being complex, but now after levelling WHM I'm really excited to have shorter cast times and more window for weaving! Hoping the rework on the job is smooth and not very game changing

  3. I have played WHM, which for me, is has a better survivability than a tank (PLD), Stone, Aero, and Regen has kept my toon alive for some time now. I haven't really hit that level wall that I'm used to (coming from WoW). I still haven't hit Heavenward content yet, but WHM is a powerhouse, as you stated and I've enjoyed it. Again, I'm a simple man not worried about optimization. Enjoyed your content once again.

  4. As a long time healer main, I appreciate all of the newbie friendly breakdowns of the classes. Though, we're about to break the trifecta in Endwalker, it's good to understand them now before the next expansion so you aren't left completely blind. I look forward to how Yoshi P will redesign the healers into a good Shield and Regen system instead of the "they kinda do everything" right now.

    My only concern, is as an old Astrolgian main, what they will do to my beloved class. I grew up in this game as a conjurer, I fell in love with Astrologian for it's card system. I was heartbroken when it was all dumbed-down for Shadowbringers, but I still would play it on and off. Astrologian was the perfect balance (get it) of difficulty and fun when it came to buffs. But now… I'm sorry but if you still don't get the card system, then please play White Mage or Scholar.
    The card system as of Shadowbringers is:

    -Every card gives a damage boost.
    -Every card is either Melee or Ranged. If you give the wrong card to the wrong type of damage dealer, you still give them a buff. It's just lower for the incorrect class.
    -You can even simplify the card by turning it into a Lord or Lady of crowns. Lord is melee and Lady is ranged.

    -Every card has a specific symbol: Blue Planet, Yellow Moon and Red Star.
    -Every symbol has 2 cards. 1 for each type: Melee and Ranged. So you can always get a symbol you need whether you need a buff for a melee or ranged.
    -Blue, Yellow and Red are what you aim for to have in your gauge. Any repeating symbols in your gauge lowers your ultimate damage buff.

    And that's it. That's all there is. Get all 3 unique color symbols for your big buff and just throw cards all the time. There's no strategy, you just. use. cards.

    And that's okay too. I still miss the old system where you could buff the black mage with extra spell speed for a whole minute. Or raidwide damage reduction and increased MP gain for any of my mage friends.
    I miss it all. I miss the uniqueness of the class instead of just… Damage you, damage them, damage everyone. Rinse and repeat. It's not that difficult to pick up and the old one took time but that's what I loved. Being a strategist. Now that's gone but I don't think Astro will be getting another nerf like that any time soon… I hope.

  5. This is a really good overview without over-complicating it and getting too bogged down in the details, which can be intimidating to newer players.

    In other words, it's my new go-to for linking to friends who are interested in healing! My own opinion (as someone who started as Arcanist, went Scholar, and then played through 1-70 as one back in Stormblood,) is definitely biased in all KINDS of ways, so it's good to have something like this that gives a good, solid pros and cons list so people make their own decisions.

    Thanks for the video, as always!

  6. While I started as WHM, I'm not sure it's my style of healing. Though I can't argue it's super strong in almost every situation. Astro I haven't spent enough time with, But SCH and I'm used to managing minions from all my time as a WoW Hunter. To me it feels like a true support class as it can do a little of everything. I'm full glad I found your channel otherwise I'd probably never have found the courage to try healing, let alone have a ton of fun with it.

  7. I've been a WHM main since I've started playing in HW, but I keep also switching to AST when I want to mix it up a bit, I love WHM, but it can be so extremely simple sometimes, I love throwing around some cards nowadays a bit more tbh 🙂 Also love the flexibility of AST, that I can either be in Diurnal or Nocturnal Sect, which will be taken away in next expansion 🙁

    I do know though that nothing will beat the aesthetic and overall feel of the WHM for me, the "pure healer" is always something I tend to be in games, and those wings, girl <3 Also, the blood lily wouldn't let me just abandon it, it needs to be constantly fed.

  8. As an exclusive Scholar main, I chuckled when you described us as the "Swiss Army Knife" of healers. But, you're right: we do have to work a bit harder to keep up with the heals. Funny enough, I consistently outheal my static's Astro (with even less overheals) in Eden Savage raids. But that tradeoff is the Astro definitely has more raw DPS potential.

    HP shields, mitigation shields, a floating waifu that morphs. Yeah, we really do have a lot to offer.

  9. Personally I love SCH, it was the second job I got, and quickly became my favorite job.
    I started playing the game as a DPS (ARC/BRD) and wanted to try playing a healer, but seeing as I was still relatively new to the game, I didn't have a lot of self confidence in playing a role that I felt had a lot more responsibility. But the road to unlocking SCH, I believed helped me make the transition, and boost my confidence that I could take on this role.

    Starting as a Arcanist, I was still in familiar territory of how to play the game, now with just the twist of learning about cast times (I guess that wouldn't have been a problem had I started as a THM) and discovering slide casting (When you first learn you can do that, it feels so awesome!)
    But I think what helped the most, was that now that I knew I wanted to try being a healer, I could start examining what someone who was experienced with healing was doing. How they weren't always trying to keep everyone topped off, that a healer can (and should) help contribute to attacking exc.
    There were also a few times where I was partied with an inexperienced healer, and the tank was pulling too hard. Being able to assist them in healing, or resurrecting as a "emergency healer"/"assistant" was kinda like learning how to play the role, without yet officially being that role.

    Finally when I reached level 30 and got the SCH job stone, I felt like I had a fair understanding of the role, a familiarity with my starting skills, the confidence I could play as a healer, and a fairy to help back me up.
    I don't know if that was the intention for why SCH comes from a DPS class, but I am certainly thankful for it.

  10. Have no idea what the fight is and have no intention of learning?
    Do you hate yourself and know you deserve to suffer? Hop into a time machine to July '19 and play 5.0
    Know the fight and when the big screen wide boom boom boo boo is coming after a couple tries?
    SCHOLAR! Or maybe Sage. We'll find out in November.

  11. Honestly the way scholar plays now feels more like what sage should play like. Each skill feels like ammo I have since the base gcds aren’t as powerful as astro or especially white mage, so each ogcd is like healing ammo, sorta like a first aid kid. Which is both really fun, but also feels kinda clunky at times. As a tank main scholar feels the closest to that, using cooldowns to help keep the party alive with a simple rotation that isn’t too hard to track, but I hope endwalker does give it a bit of a more round kit. (A personal hope is for recitation to reset the cooldown on indom and excog, although that might possibly be too strong, I’ve yet to heal high end content so I just kinda forget recitation isn’t just your shield gcds)

  12. While I can agree that WHM is the most straightforward healer, I personally feel that AST is the easiest healer to play. The job gauge only looks complicated at first but once you realize that all the cards are color coded and green go to melee and pink go to ranged, that's all you really have to worry about. Now of course we can get into who specifically needs those cards but that's getting outside of the realm of 'beginner friendly'.

    A friend of mine asked me which healer they should try just so they would have one just in case and I recommended AST for this reason. WHM may have more mana management tools but AST just doesn't need them. As Durinal Sect, you really really have to try to run out of mana. And you have way more options than a WHM.

    All that being said, I prefer SCH and actually consider it the hardest healer because it's gameplay is counterintuitive. While I do play all the healers, as I do in the 'other game', my current goal is to be the very best SCH I can be.

  13. Good little break down. Hnn. I main WHM, so I haven't really thought so much about SCH and Ast, but I think maybe I should pick up my deck of cards and play some more…. Triple Triad…. I mean…. Astrologian XD

  14. Great breakdown of the differences and some pros/cons of each healer ^_^

    It's interesting to hear you put SCH in the middle with AST being the most challenging healer. I understand that take based on the pros/cons and trying to approach it from a brand new player's perspective, but from my own personal experience playing all of them to the current 80 cap, SCH is (for my playstyle) the hardest to use and effectively heal with. I think it's probably because I've become overly dependent on HoT's and reactive/OGCD heals between WHM and AST, and SCH has less availability of skills like that (at least, not without burning Aetherflow stacks). It's just interesting how we can all play the same things but come to different conclusions 🙂


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