FFXIV Has a MAJOR Cash Shop Problem! Rewards BROKEN! [FFXIV 6.4]

FFXIV has its rewards being stripped out of the game itself and put into the cash shop! This is damaging the game because we have a distinct lack of incentives to go and approach various forms of content such as criterion dungeon rewards are not great and they are not inspiring players to go into criterion savage! Why is the SHADOWKEEPER the SHADOW WOLF not a blue mage reward for blue mages clearing shadowbringers content!

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0:00 FFXIV Cash Shop is Ruining the game
0:07 Examples of FFXIV Cash Shop going too far
0:48 Iceheart Glamour Set went too far
1:13 FFXIV Rewards are being removed from the game itself
2:18 Moogle Tomestones are an INCREDIBLE addition
2:49 Breathe life back into older FFXIV content
4:49 Multiple rewards tracks
5:10 Inspire new players to try older content
5:55 Inspire VETERAN PLAYERS to go back to content
6:50 Engaging content with rewards
7:42 Iceheart Glamour


31 thoughts on “FFXIV Has a MAJOR Cash Shop Problem! Rewards BROKEN! [FFXIV 6.4]”

  1. It sucks with the cash shop, the mount prices are insane and the Alexander mount pissed me off. But as far as i understand, the person who makes the decision for the shop is completely independend from the rest. It was a deal with Yoshi- P back then, to keep his creative freedom he had to agree to leave the shop to someone else. Even if this pisses me off, the game in my opinion offers enough good looking mounts and glam that i don't really care about it. But maybe at some time they could do a event where you get the shop items.

  2. I'm glad you're bringing this up

    I'm not entirely against cash shops existing
    especially when FFXIV gives so much as it is, and it is pretty much all cosmetic that they sell

    HOWEVER…at this point, they are starting to go down a very slippery slope of locking all the cosmetic rewards behind the cash shop and giving very little cosmetic rewards you can actually grind for
    a mistake ESO, Destiny and even Diablo 4 have made, and look at the current state of those games
    this is a big red flag that shows a shift in the mindset of the decision makers for this game, and it's not one that will end well unless we push back early

  3. Damn you're right, quite a bit that really would work wonders in attracting people to do content go straight to the Mog Station nowadays. Meanwhile stuff like Criterion makes the Mount buyable so hardly anyone bothers thanks to their Coffee Biscuit Fortune Leftovers. Yeah people complained when the Axolotl ended up in the Savage Raids but I'd rather take that method for those special Mounts

  4. At the end where you talk about people may not be able to affort their sub. It's just a game, if one's life is at that point, there are way more important things to deal with than playing a game. Also there is the fact that anyone would be in the right criticizing any adult for playing games anyways.

  5. I probably would have bought the ysayle glam if it came with her wig. I don’t have a problem with in-game cash shops but I do have a problem with inconsistent content. Why are some thing dyeable, genderlocked, onesies? Maybe if they explained it I wouldn’t feel so salty about it but like if you’re going to be greedy make things consistent.

  6. if the item is lore-heavy, it shouldn't be on the cash shop. give us silly items, give us something that you wouldnt normally see in a final fantasy game. why does se do this

  7. I have to agree with you. ESPECIALLY about the blue mage update having nothing but a title at the end of all those clears instead of a mount like they did with the Morbol one. I love SE but they are not above valid criticism when they make decisions like this.

  8. Currently very mad at the people laughing at anyone who said "why is shadowkeeper a cash shop mount and not blue mage" cause WHY would we WANT to play the game instead of just paying to win on predatory shit LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  9. Ive startedd noticing this problem when they added emotes in the games cutscenes that were locked behind mogshop i.e. the /cheers emote was used in the dwarfs BT quest and that couldve been a reward for doing said content, since then a lot of stuff i see on the cash shop, unless its very unique, could easily be earned in game. Sad thing is people will continue to buy and thats all SE will look at.

  10. I dont agree with ysale's glam being outside of the cash shop since all of the glams of that nature have always been cash shop exclusives but that aside, yea I agree with you, things like the cruise chaser and wolf mounts have no right, what so ever to be on the cash shop instead of being earnable rewards.

  11. Honestly, I hate cash shops. But I also don't think they're a major problem in the sense of a lot of things. For example, the Iceheart clothes. I don't care. Not to mention people have had "Shiva at home" for years now. Personally, I prefer it when cash shops only have stuff that's already available in game-more or less (reskins or slight alterations). I like that better than unique mounts, etc. But they know this stuff sells. That said, I don't BLU, so not a fan of a bunch of stuff hidden behind BLU raids. Like I love BLU itself, but I don't BLU with other people much. I always felt BLU was added for people to solo stuff with, but then be forced into a raid static to get rewards? Meh. Dislike personally. I think the shadowlord mount should have been added to the game in a more accessible way. Like Moogle Tomes or something. : )

    I think the cash shop is getting out of control, but I feel it's been out of control for a while, and people buy the sparkle ponies – Jonny Awesome reference from WoW – so that's why they do it. Because they know people want them and want to (or at least will) buy them from the shop. That's why we keep getting more. If people didn't buy it, they'd stop doing it.

    That said, as long as the money is going back into the game, I don't care. It's like I feel Savage raiders should 100% support content for casuals, because that's relatively low Dev resource intensive to develop (compared to, say, Ultimates that take months to build and tune), but those casuals paying sub fees means more money for the Devs to make more Savage/Ultimates for them.

    I don't know the answer, but I dislike both, I guess? XD I dislike a bunch of stuff gated behind high end content only, and I hate content being sold. I don't mind cash shops for some services or for different skins (e.g. the Red Devil/etc other Magitech mounts while the base game gives you one and you can get a second from the Comm achievement), but I dislike unique rewards from it…and I dislike stuff being gated behind content only 5-10% of the community even does.

    Also: I love Bozja, too. still got one or two more relics to build from in there. I really wish DR ques popped with more than 2 people (need at least 3 to clear the first boss, apparently); oh well, I'll eventually get them all soloing PotD. Probably get multiple relics before I ever get a floor 200 clear, lol

  12. not everybody likes to raid and do extreme stuff why cant the casual players have some cool stuff too, stop locking everything behind high end stuff casuals will never do, its good how it is we still need to pay real money for it

  13. the cash shop has been terrible since i started in shb. but i was a "blizzard" person when i pointed out its just as bad as the activision store. glad some people actually see it as the same issue as me 😉

  14. The fact of the matter is, and I say it about World of Warcraft too, A GAME WITH A BOXES PRICE AND A SUBSCRIPTION SHOULD NOT HAVE MICROTRANSACTIONS… PERIOD…

    The FFXIV store is some of the most egregious BS in the industry and i'm tired of people pretending it's not, they piss in your face and tell you it's wine. The reason i'm not subbed is that there is nothing to do, at least WoW has M+ which keeps things fresh. Next thing you know they'll copy with with the "trading post".

  15. A bit of a doomer comment, but to me it feels like this whole game is starting to fall apart:

    – The cash shop keeps getting greedier and greedier as SE's other projects fail
    – The direction and priorities of job design is worrying: DRG/AST mains should be excited for the rework but are worried instead
    – All the non-raid content of this expac has been designed for solo players; when asked, a future Eureka zone was just a maybe
    – The community seems to be getting more and more toxic
    – ARR level sync sucks and happen way too often; gets worse every expansion as the level delta increases
    – The relics are just tomes and watching cutscenes
    – The MSQ is way too long and forces you to play alone besides dungeons and trials
    – Healer gameplay in casual content is a lot less engaging than it used to be in HW and SB and devs don't want to go back
    – The last fanfest was completely mismanaged and was a fiasco
    – The void MSQ is not that interesting and its FFIV fanservicing is getting old; the big world-changing 6.5 event they promised be worth it
    – DC visit is turning Primal and Crystal into ghosttown, and Dynamis is an housing suburb for Aether

    I was hoping for a big shakeoff for Dawntrails, but from what I saw on the first fanfest's slides, it looks like an Endwalker redo. I hope they confirm a Eureka zone in fanfest 2 or have some other surprise that will rouse my interest again, but for the moment I am unsubscribed since I neither like the current state of the game, nor am I excited for its future.

  16. This is nothing really look at eso you literally cant get any good rewards without gambling crates. I dont mind them adding it tbh none of the items were cool enough for my taste to buy plus stuff goes on sale often. I'll be concerned when the only cool shit you can get is on the shop.

  17. IMO the cash shop is not a big deal, it's all casual and cosmetic. They have also given us a LOT of cosmetic gear in game even during EW and a ton of mounts. The argument that this that and the other from the cash shop should be in game as a reward has been around from the start. The first item ever on the shop was Slepnir … I bought it .. but at the time you could have argued that it should have been a rare drop or earnable reward for doing the Odin fate in the shroud much like mounts you can earn doing the boss fates in other expansions. If they were not giving us items in game at all, I could see the upset but it's simply not the case. The Iceheart set was a bad call because it could be recreated in game but there's a simple solution .. don't buy it. The FFXIV cash shop is a lot fairer in pricing than a lot of other games. The Magitek set was created for the anniversary .. Look at Warframe .. their anniversary cosmetic is a 2 skin set that is $100.


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