FFXIV "Great Community" is Broken

As a FFXIV content creator who is gay, who is an introvert and who has received tremendous amounts of support I do not believe that our community is too far gone. Apparently the actions of a few severely unhappy people means the entire community is now bad. Playing this game for a decade I completely disagree, the social media bubble is not an accurate representation of our community I’ve played with for around 10 years now.

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0:00 Great Community in FFXIV
0:43 The punchline
0:55 What is GCBTW
1:21 Narcissism in the FFXIV Community
3:03 Social Media OP
4:49 Small VERY TOXIC Fractions of the community DO NOT define the rest.
5:18 The content creator perspective
7:12 The larger scale view
9:05 Dad who picked up his kids from school after work doesn’t want to deal with your drama

Great community by the way. Now before you smash that dislike button harder than your character hit the floor in the last duty you ran in FFXIV this video is probably going to go a very different way than you expected it to.

Now let’s open the circus.

Welcome to the real version of the great sundering of final fantasy 14.

There is so much drama that it’s almost impossible to not collide with it on a regular basis in the final fantasy 14 community! The cataclysm is here! The great sundering!

You know that great community by the way winning awards and this and that right? Haha GCBTW what a toxic pit of degenerates and furries! Showing their true colors finally are they! GCBTW GC BTW GCBTW GCBTW GCBTW.

The punchline? Most of the actual 14 community has absolutely no idea any of this is going on.

The entire notion of GCBTW which for anyone wondering is the sarcastic way of saying “great community by the way” is a narcissistic take on this entire situation formed by a bubble of the community that amusingly enough is comprised of myself and likely you as the viewer who went onto youtube a third party platform and stumbled across this video.

We are not the norm for final fantasy 14. We are the exception. Most people are just logging into the game and they don’t watch my videos, they don’t watch mr. happy’s videos, they don’t even know what a world first race is, probably have watched as many minutes of any twitch stream in their entire life as you have ultimate clears and overall are so significantly detached from all of this that it’s unendingly narcissistic to think any of these third party social media platforms has any bearing on the normal player.

And it is that weird social media narcissistic lens.

But remember my underlings that have fewer subscribers than me that your entire validity as a human being is boiled down to how many numbers you have on social media. Own a house? Have a happy marriage? Enjoy swimming in your backyard pool

No screw you Mr. Happy has more subscribers than you, you inferior pancake, therefore you don’t exist.

This is why other people keep putting out on tweets, discord messages and reddit posts I am an anti content creator because I genuinely refuse to take part in this. To be frank, it horrifies me– I play with people who are partners at huge financial companies, I’ve played with lawyers, pharmacists and that’s without mentioning even my boyfriend I obviously interact with on a daily basis. To me the social media thing and clout chasing is so beneath me and is frankly unsightly. I’ll take being genuine friends with someone that treats me right with no subscribers or twitter followers instead. Twitter is a cesspit of degeneracy and nightmares.

But this exact same narcissism and mentality is what fuels this GCBTW mentality.

People are taking a small fraction of the community and applying what they do to everyone. Let’s say you have a twitch stream running where say even 100 people are being actively toxic to you. Where they are ripping apart every action you do and basically pulling a pyrofire or whatever on you.

That 100 people will get to you, I know that because my youtube comments are sometimes filled with the exact kind of toxic sewage you’d come to expect. But in the grand scheme of things even if a squeaky guy in his 20s like me can amass 20k subscribers then 100 divided by 20000 multiplied by 100 to get a percentage is 0.5%. So my day could be ruined by 0.5% of my subscriber base going ham in theory. That would immediately be overwhelming. But that’s a fraction of my own community which is again a fraction of those that view youtube videos on 14, which is a fraction of those playing it.


36 thoughts on “FFXIV "Great Community" is Broken”

  1. To Quote Willow Pill (roughly)… I love a FFXIV, I love a Hrothgar, I love a raid, I love a glam, I love type 2b leggings– AND I HATE PEOPLE! Big or small short or tall PEOPLE!

  2. In all honesty 100% in my perspective ff14 as a game and how it plays and how much you have to download and pay should have an offline mode and if people want to use add-ons and mods there cool use It there but if it's online mode should be forced to log in with your server character and some add-ons and mods full on banned you want to play with friends go online or have a multi-player exclusive mode of 4 ppl only will trial and raid harder with them and an additional bots yeah but if people want to have zero worries and still have that "experience" they want and stream that how you can put the sand on the line and it will help even people who don't want to pay monthly and people bitch and complain about it you can point at the game. "Their is an offline mode why you bitching" you can even mark it that way no more if or butts and patches for offline mode can be put on hold for a 2 more months longer so the online mode ppl can enjoy and offline mode can even let people self train parse that my two cents sorry for the long post

  3. Gamerdad here who plays casually, I love this game but the amount of pretentious and toxic posts on Twitter from the "Elite" crowd is surprising. 4chan started the mass reportings to start chaos and mission accomplished.

  4. The XIV community seems ok until you get to Extreme or Savage content. That's where most of the toxic players seem to dwell. PvP doesn't seem much better, especially with the cheating and unsportsman like conduct that has been plaguing it recently.

  5. GAH!! HROTHGAR! Also, sucks to hear all that stuff happened to you. Those people weren't worth your time, here's hoping we can all have a good time without having too many of those kinds of horrid experiences.

  6. I told everyone all these rage and salt filled Ex-WoW people coming to the game would only hurt the community. I told you.

    If they had come to FFXIV because of a genuine interest in the game instead of as a way to protest blizzard and vent their frustrations with WoW then it would be a different matter, but that was never the case.

    MMOs want new players and large populations yes, but 1 million good hearted players is much better than 3 million angry impossible to please manchildren playing the game for all the wrong reasons.

    But noooo, you people welcomed them with open arms. You saw the sub numbers up and for some dumb reason thought it was a good thing.

    You know why WoW started going downhill? The community got too damn big. It’s impossible to please and police all those people.

  7. I think the brigading and witch hunting right now needs to stop because it's fucked up. I don't think the modding community has a leg to stand on in their argument that they should be acknowledged and allowed. It's against the ToS and the dev team has always taken that stance. Despite that you still go against their wishes and continually push the envelope.

  8. I can sadly relate to being kicked out of FCs. I tend to speak my mind on certain topics and the last FC I was in (won't say its name because despite the fact that I dislike the people there, I don't wish any form of harassment to befall them) ended up kicking me because I voiced my dislike of MAPs on Twitter (the creepy people) and I was asked to join a voice call. Next thing I know, they're all acting like as if I'm a villain so I eventually got fed up and left the call. Moments later, the FC leader messaged me with a "Go fuck yourself" on Discord and removed me from the FC. My current FC is amazing though, I love everyone there and I'd take a bullet for all of them

  9. i do healer on mentor…i dunno why some healers will refuse to do dps…i mean dpsing is fun…as a whm if can i rather holy all the way down to the end n dont heal…lol

  10. you aint lying cole, the past month ive been meeting MANY individuals that fall under what your talking about, nothing but drama, like a lot of these ppl dont even play the game to play it, they play it to be horny and dont care about setting goals or completing things or playing the game to beat the game. a lot of these ppl literally get turned off and dont want to hang out around me whenever i bring up a dungeon or a trial that i want to do. not to even mention the twitter crowd who thinks everything should be handed to them and then get to bitching and running their twitter fingers everytime something doesnt go their way or if they meet a player they dont gel with lol i swear ff didnt used to be like this but lately its been happening a ton

  11. IMO why things might be more toxic now… 1️⃣ Influx of new players from other games that have different styles of 'community'. 2️⃣ The new PVP actually being played by more people. (conflict not cooperation) 3️⃣ World First Race and 4️⃣ the flagrant use of add-ons in all the above.

  12. Social media has definitely let the nasty people have more power than they should. Before they could only be nasty to the people around them, and probably suffer consequences from it, but now they can be nasty to the entire world anonymously.

  13. I'm only in heavens ward, and these "community broken" videos have left me so confused, since when im just chilling in the hub cities not doing MSQ, theres literally nothing but friendly convos in my chat box. Content creators really love inflating the drama to unbelievable degrees, don't they?

  14. Hey Cole, I just wanted to say a few things.
    1) thanks for reminding me of how small the social media FF14 community is compared to the rest of the playerbase. Bc I DO like watching videos and things but there seems to be (seems being keyword here) an overwhelming number of modders making such a stink that I might never get the chance to use harmless mods when I eventually get a pc. And then I’m reminded they’re literally a vocal minority.

    2) I genuinely hope you are well and happy, and I’m sorry you dealt with a buncha shitty people in your time playing and making content for us. Anyways sending good vibes your way <3


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