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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
0:00 – How to get item
1:51 – Item preview
3:28 – Dyes
4:43 – Glam Ideas
wont be long before she gets a hempen top and 2b leggings XD
eh not for me personally
I literally had no idea this was even out and I'm pretty plugged in 😅
This custom delivery series had a surprisingly wholesome ending.
Shit…I forgot to do it last week.
God I fucking hate time gating! >_<
After looking at some of the gear pieces released in the last few patches, I think most of it is already compatible with the 2 dye system and will be good to go at launch. Once they knew the system would be changing – and assuming they can actually do it that way – there'd be no real point in creating these pieces now, then having to update them in the future. Just do it once and be done with it.
Do the other custom deliveries give similar rewards? I remember doing one in HW, but I think all I got was being able to glam the npc and so never touched them again
thanks goodness it doesnt take long to get
Nice quest chain overall, and I do really like that gleaner coat
This questline feels like a cry for help from the devs in Square Enix from all the crunch they've endured
I loved this little story a lot, and the glam is great.
Oh my god. I am in love with it. Got the inspiration to level my Weaver to 90 to do it! ;-;
Awe shoot, I been waiting on this set and completely forgot about the new deliveries -_-
Am I the only one with an inventory filled with gear I refuse to get rid of cuz the off chance that 1 piece goes perfect with a glam idea, I've literally convinced myself there will be a glam increase or overhaul coming and thats when I'll clean out storage lol
I forgot about the new custom delivery
I had no idea that there was a custom delivery there! xD
"Body type B", they're women not a blood type. Even the game, fortunately, doesn't do that nonsense.
Aww I forgot to unlock the new custom deliveries. D: Off to do that now.
Crap I haven't even started that. I thought it was coming in the next patch.
Meoni: Gleaner Outfit
Me: Oh boy I can't wait to get the backpa-
Meoni: Sadly comes with no backpack
Me: My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined