Now we are done with A Realm Reborn’s main story, we are now onto the patch content and FINALLY stepping into some raiding to see what some of the Extremes are like. With Mike having so much experience in WoW’s raiding scene, let’s see what he thinks.
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33 thoughts on “FFXIV EXTREME Raiding – This Feels SO DIFFERENT to WoW!”

  1. FFXIV does have some anime moments, but coming from someone who doesn’t like anime very much (just not my thing), it is never overwhelming and never detracts from the overall experience. The story is amazing

  2. I don't feel like the commentary about the way raids play (with regards to movement) was accurate for any class other than Black Mage. That is the only class where you actually have to plan movement and get affected by it, the other casters are quite mobile and don't have to worry about it at much at all compared to BLM. The 3 ranged physical hardly have any casted abilities and feel more like a BM Hunter from WoW (i.e you can DPS and run around all day). Melee is melee, same thing as WoW with trying to maintain uptime while doing mechanics.

  3. Things that cute in FF = terrible thing. It’s self explanatory of, do not be a fool of pretty and cute things as they’re knowing why they have the edge.

    Primals vs WoLs are the definition of the cringe ones vs the based ones.

  4. I've always thought that raid fights in games that become like a beautifully choreographed dance are the pinnacle of game design. FF does this so well.

  5. If you like how the content has been so far, then its really consistent throughout the rest of the stuff. i cant remember exactly anything or much of scenes similar to the one you talked about since its been forever since i played that stuff, but i dont think it goes bat shit crazy anime like that very often

  6. ARR was slow-paced, and post-ARR is also more on the "building-up side". Only thing I can tell you: it all has a purpose 🙂

    King Moogle Mog was actually a replacement of the actuall boss SE had intended for that patch: I think it might have been Leviathan (or another ocean primal, I'm not sure it was Leviathan…) they had planned but Japan was struck by a Tsunami around that time so they scrapped that idea and made instead a boss that was goofy, "cheerful" and hilarious on purpose.

  7. Difficulties are a bit confusing in FF.

    First there are dungeons which are only ever normal.

    Second are trials which are one-of bosses, usually primals, which are the easier (and less rewarding) of end game content. Difficulty goes normal > hard > extreme and at lvl 80 there are unreal trials which are extremes from old content boosted up to be relevant for lvl 80s. Extreme trials are the easiest of the difficult group content in FF.

    Third are raids which come in a few forms:

    Alliance raids which are for 3+ groups and are kind of like giant dungeons, not particularly difficult but wipes happen once in a while.

    "Normal" raids which come in normal and savage difficulty, they work similarly to trials but sometimes have a bit of trash and generally are released in groups of 4 though you still only do one boss per instance. These are more difficult (and rewarding) than trials. Savage raids are the things you farm for bis gear, they're probably somewhere between heroic and mythic raiding in WoW.

    Finally Ultimate raids are the ultimate endgame group content for cosmetics and bragging rights only. They are extremely difficult and long battles for those who want a challenge.

    Lastly as a note: FF players are spoiled. There's nothing really wrong with the end of ARR but anyone who has played through the game knows how much better Heavensward is plus it just takes a while and if you're in the mindset of speeding to endgame then it can be a drag for sure. Better to take your time and enjoy the game for what it is imo. But if for some reason you're in a hurry there's always new game + to go back and see what you missed.

  8. I just finished the last patch of shadowbringers. The game is great to play as a standalone rpg story tbh. People need to stop saying stuff is bad and skip though it. The patches especially set up so much story and lore that to skip them to try and get in to other content a few hours earlier would be a real shame.

  9. We say post ARR is bad cause it is the weakest in terms of story, and (for what im assuming is the reason) back when we went though it it was rough. The exp wasnt great and we were forced to do fates for a couple lvls, and the combat state was very different then now . Also people should be able to fly at that point right? If so then that made it much faster for them. Though the Biggest reason was that there was a lot more fluff pre-shadowbringers, and while I dont know how much they cut it down I bet its a much more streamlined and smoother experience.

  10. Probably a wasted effort but here are some basics about the difficulty of this game.
    i will exclude ARR bcs its the only content that doesnt follow this lineup.
    Story Trial = basically lfr
    Extreme Trial = usually not that hard. consist mostly of ~ 6 mechanics and is usually beatable by everyone giving enough time.
    Story Raid = a bit more demanding than Story Trial but its still Lfr/Normal difficulty at best
    Savage Raid = The Main Raid for the expansion. usually consist of 12 fights total . 4 each x.0 x.2 x.4patch . its the hardest difficulty we had for a long time.
    Ultimate Raids = A Boss gauntlet of past experiences ramped up in difficulty and mechanics. we " should " get 2 per expansion ( due to covid we only got 1 this time) this is by far the hardest difficulty and u cannot outscale it with gear.
    24man raids = usually 3 wings throughout the expansion. usually not that difficult but is usually harder than story trial/raid ( especially when it is new and no one outgears it)
    Again im EXCLUDING ARR (!!!) because it has a inbetween hard mode a single extremish fight (odin) wiht no previous difficulties the coil raid which is kinda savage but has a lot of wonkie turns and also a 4 part segment thats called savage. yeah confusing AF for a new player. Square Enix was trying to find themselves during that time.

    PS: i am watching your vods and it still hurts me as a BLM main that no one told Preach to practice slidecasting.
    In case he reads this: When u see ur cast has 0.5 seconds left. You can already move and it will finish the cast. this becomes Important for some Situations especially as BLM.

  11. For me Post ARR is one of the best part , i dont get it why people say that to you , is really good , but the thing i i actually dont enjoy much is the begining of HW , is not bad but not great , people hype to much HW

  12. No Spoilers: Ultima's Bane is a damn good raid. Its one of the easiest raids in the game but that doesn't mean its easy. Go in blind. You will love it. The last boss of the Coils raids is hard and even more amazing to experience.


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