FFXIV Endwalker What to spend tomestone of poetics on to make gil

requirements level 80 miner botanist goldsmith and alchemist. master recipe book 7 and folklore book for miner norvrant.
you want to gather volcanic tuff raw onyx prismstone tiger lily agewood athersand. mutifaceted resin and alchemic from vendor in eulmore for 5 tome stones 2000 tomes equals 200 of each item needed. once u have enough materials start crafting facet rings of healing my personal choice. with seal sweetiner buff up takes 50 to hit 90k seals. if non crafter buy paladin shields from same tomestone vendor in eulmore. less seals but best option to date. best ways to get poetics roulettes eureka bozja palace of the dead heaven on high beast tribes the hunt blue mage carnivale and weekly targets.


15 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker What to spend tomestone of poetics on to make gil”

  1. mmmh, so wait, are we doing all of that to get the GC seals? Because, if that's the case, I find that doing trust dungeons and getting all the loot then returning it to be, if slower and a tad more boring, way easier, no? Or is there something I missed?

  2. Loved your video Zane, shared it with friend about the poetics for the shield. He's pretty happy with 1,100~ gil per shield but i got a bit bored and decided to see if i can make a list for your video, hope you don't mind.

    Prismatic Ignot

    x4 Prismstone (gathered yourself Lv80 Retainer gathers 9 with more than 2618 Pereception)

    x2 Multifaceted Resin – Elmore Poetics (5 poetics each)

    Grade 2 Mind Alkahest

    x2 Multifaceted Alchemic – Elmore Poetics (5 poetics each)

    x1 Tiger Lilu (gathered yourself or Lv79 Botanist Retainer gathers 50 with more than 2443 Pereception)

    x3 Agewood Aethersand – Elmore Script Exchange (20 gatherer script each)


    x3 Raw Onyx (gathered yourself or Lv80 Miner Retainer gathers 9 with more than 2500 Pereception)

    x1 Tuff Whetstone

    x7 Wind Crystal

    Tuff Whetstone

    x3 Volcanic Tuff (gathered yourself or Lv76 Miner Retainer gathers 50 with more than 2274 Pereception)

    x7 Wind Crystal

    Facet Ring of Healing

    x1 Prismatic Ignot

    x1 Onyx

    x1 Grade 2 Mind Alkahest

    x2 Wind Cluster

    x2 Fire Cluster

    Facet Ring of Healing is 1,802 seals with 10% boost.
    Shield is 1,956 seals with 10% boost.
    600 Seals becomes 350 gil which is 0.6 gil per seal.

    Ring is 20 poetics total giving 1802 seals, 1,802/20 = 90.1 seals per poetic. This is 90.1 x 0.6 = 54.06 gil per poetic
    Shield is 170 poetics giving 1956 seals, 1956/170 = 11.50588* seals per poetic. This is 11.50588 x 0.6 = 6.9035 gil per poetic
    The profit per poetic is 54.06 – 6.9035 = 47.1565.

    Soo the gil difference will be 170 poetics x 47.1565 = 8,016.605 gil. Yup I just wanted to know what the amount of profit u got from gathering your own mats were.

  3. What about wolf marks and pvp gear? do you recommend we do the same thing? if yes, which gear piece would you recommend we buy and submit for company seals?

  4. This seems okay at first, but the sheer amount of farming here is wasted on this method. To start with, saying you should get 200 resin and 200 alchemic isn't accurate since you get 3 alkahest every time you craft it, meaning you want 3x as much resin as alchemic to keep it balanced. With 300 resin and 100 alchemic per 2k poetics, and after farming the rest of the mats, that comes out to 150 rings. At your buffed turn in value, that's 270.3k seals, which buys 450.5 bones, which sells for 162.18k gil. Much more impressive at first glance than the ~20k you might get per poetic cap flipping unidentifiable ore into grade 3 thanalan topsoil, but the materials you spend on the rings are WAY more valuable on their own. For instance, the 150 onyx spent crafting would sell for around 150k at the lowest on any server on the Crystal DC right now, and the raw onyx (which you use 3 of per onyx) sells for about as much if not more. If you're willing to spend the hours it takes to farm that much, you'd be better off just dumping poetics for topsoil and selling the mats on their own.

    Also, if you WERE to go the duck bone route despite all of this, you can trade 6 duck bones for 1 better crowned pie in Mor Dhona and at the lowest price on the Crystal DC right now those go for about 3k gil each, which is a 50% increase in profit versus vendoring the bones. Assuming that the pies go for more than 3k on your server, trading in the 170 poetic shields might actually be the best case scenario here as it requires no farming and would net you 5.88 pies per 2k poetics.

  5. hello, I was doing some testing to see if its worth going through the hassle of turning gear to seals instead of simply vendoring them. Would appreciate if you can go through the below and let me know your thoughts:

    Example 1:
    Arhat Kyahan of Healing (level 70 300ilvl feet) = 1350 seals / 640 gil vendor value
    Duck Bones (1350 seals worth) = 2.25 bones
    2.25 bones x 360gil = 810 gil (+170 gil)

    Example 2:
    Lakeland Coat of Casting (level 71 390ilvl chest) = 1530 seals / 1082 gil vendor value
    Duck bones (1530 seals worth) = 2.55 bones
    2.55 bones x 360 gil = 918 gil (-164)

    If my math is right (and thats a big if cuz i suck at math), converting random gear you get for company seals in order to buy and sell duck bones is not always a positive conversion (i.e. not always a profit) when compared to the vendor value of some items.



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