FFXIV Endwalker | The FUTURE of Deep Dungeon

FFXIV Endwalker | The FUTURE of Deep Dungeon
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What does the future of Deep Dungeon look like in Endwalker

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#ffxiv #endwalker #deepdungeon

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17 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker | The FUTURE of Deep Dungeon”

  1. Just starting to watch so maybe it gets answered in the vid but what's up with the Deep Dungeon obsession with the community? I personally really dislike procedurally generated stuff as it feels just lifeless and boring. And PotD and HoH were already way too similar so..

  2. We all know that these Content sells are not for Gil ^^. Gil in this Game is so worthless and no one really need some.

    But overall the Ads alone are a real Problem. I have the Luck that on EU Servers these Ads are only around 3-6 on Prine Time. But on US Server these amounts are Huge. Saw 15 Ads alone for Content selling in pf on Prime Time. I can see that this is a massive Problem in the Community.

    Anyway keep up the Awesome work you two 🖒

  3. The only thing I do like about WoW is mythic+. Would be cool if FFXIV got something like that eventually but its probably more effort than its worth & wouldn't fit the game

  4. I really like the concept of an Allagan deep dungeon. They could make it similar to the Omega raids in a way that it's like clearing created projections of rooms in say, Azys Lla for example. Just nodes that keep creating new rooms for us to complete to unlock history and locked files.

  5. Feeling different is irrelevant in terms of getting a title, since you can already unsync content and get gear and complete content outside of its normal method. Why can you unsync and run your buddies through ifrit extreme? If they give you Gil you’ve violated terms of service?

  6. I want to see more 2 player content specifically. One thing my wife and i run into is that since she has a harder time feeling comfortable playing with strangers (negative dungeon/raid experiences were people had been nasty to her making mistakes despite this being normal mode), so when our FC isn't available, she's stuck playing Deep Dungeon or FATE grinding with me which we've already gone through. It's great to hear about a new DD though since that's easily months worth of duo content.

    With meaningful 2-player gameplay (think doing dungeons with 2 player characters and 2 NPCs), I feel the game will move that much closer to really offering gameplay options for different playstyles.

    2v2 PVP would be great as well
    2-player masked carnival with even more parameters and reusing assets to boost difficulty
    2-player gold saucer-esque jump puzzles where players are figuring out the environment together against the clock…maybe throw some enemies in the mix with rewards for fastest times and leaderboard progression

    I know 14 has the MMORPG title, but as many have mentioned before at this point, it is far more of an online game with multiplayer features so allowing players to tailor their access to playing together allows for more accessibility beyond the usual PVEVP experiences we know.

    I feel like we get caught up expecting brand new content each time whe the developers would probably put out some interesting stuff if what we already have is used creatively.

  7. And to Chris' point, i do feel that paying for clears does bring down the prestige and accomplishment. Back when it was relevant, the static I was running with had managed to clear Twintania ONCE while i was taking finals. We ended up crunching together 700k gil (lol)l to get some raiders to hard carry me through the fight and years later i am STILL salty about it. It was not until last year when I ran it synced and got the clear with settings as close to vanilla as possible that I'm feeling better about it, but the original meaning is skewed for me.

    I do respect the mercenary game though, so long as it doesn't involve RMT, because players striking deals like that is just human behavior

  8. I refuse to get on board with derp dungeon until they address the terrible matched party experience. It should be promyvion not allagan. Heaven on high was allagan. Lastly 6.3 would be terrible as it would conflict with exploration content. And if we lose exploration content for Netflix and chill snoozefest content ill be furious. If we only get 2 ultimates slot deep dungeon where the 3rd would of been.

  9. Now when you say the floor 200 title feels different in your hypothetical scenario are you referring to Necromancer? Cause that’s only for clearing solo. So unless someone else is driving your character for you (which I’m sure is something that can be done) paying with gil to go they as a 4 man doesn’t hurt the integrity of that title.

    That being said I’m not a fan of paying for content clears with any kind of currency in game or put aside from an individual’s time.


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