Brian’s been playing and covering Final Fantasy XIV for 13 Years, and this is how he finished Endwalker. 13 Year Final Fantasy XIV Veteran Finishes Endwalker
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#ffxiv #endwalker #reaction
Nice video man
Absolutely loved endwalker such a beautiful ending multiple crying occasions
The Star wars ship is called a TIE fighter unless it's a republic side lol
It's the music, man. The weight of a thousand journeys and encounters culminating in this confluence of almost-faceless memories and near-forgotten voices.
Yeah that song is going to make you cry I have it on my cell phone on repeat my first heard it for like 2 days straight such a beautiful song
So many emotions! Brian is so sweet and adorable. 🥺 I… confess I was very calm and collected throughout most of EW. The bit with the baby made me so nervous. 😱 But Ultima Thule and each of them disappearing like that, well, I was expecting it. In reality I fully expect at least one of them to die, and when none did, it was a pleasant surprise. 😃 Overall I cried less for EW then I did for ShB. But each of us is sensitive in different ways. Which is why this game is so good. Because it makes you feel! Thank you Brian! Stay safe. ❤️
PS: The best bit was when Emet-Sechs and Hydeolotheus showed up! ❤️
As a veteran final fantasy player since the beginning like yourself I've only cried maybe twice before we got to end Walker and Walker literally made me cry more than 12 times it was such a beautiful and amazing experience
Love the story as such a beautiful and emotional experience
I wasn't a fan everyone "dying" just to come back that actually pissed me off. felt like my emotions was being played with and even in games I don't like that.
Wow I'm not even halfway through this video I'm already crying it's such an emotional experience with the story campaign over the years since 1.0 congrats Yoshi p you are fantastic and I hope you keep up the fantastic stories
I love that fight The music gets so good I'm phase two
I love the guitar
aww you didn't show the last walk, one of my favorite parts
And now we say goodbye to everyone
We've come a long way together I'll see you again someday
😊 /comfort be strong my friend be strong!😭
Officially we have disbanded but unofficially the scions live forever
1) Like many guys, I’m not good at connecting to my emotions. Watching your play through videos help me actually FEEL the story more than I did during my own playtime. Thank you for this gift.
2) I’ll be honest… I was actually hoping the Scions fully sacrificed themselves. I was ready for it. I thought it was a beautiful send off. They were ready, too. Much like Thancred’s “end,” we don’t always get to say goodbye. We don’t always have a good explanation or preparation.
I truly thought it would just be the WoL and the twins to carry on into 7.0 with the 6.x story making a new team.
He skipped the best part I wanted to see his reaction with the walking and reflecting part
I enjoyed watching you play through Endwalker & watching your highlights. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
There were many good moments in the 6th zone. More than can be condensed down to 22 minutes. I wanted to see from the last walk on.
Aww you cut out all the good parts
I doubt we'll ever see Azem. Since they're gender locked to your character, anything involving them would be effectively doubled.