FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough | Zenos Duel & Epilogue | MSQ Part 36 FIN

First reactions to FFXIV: Endwalker ending & epilogue including Zenos fight!

* Obviously contains SPOILERS for Endwalker! *

At last, we made it.

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for watching this journey! It’s hard to put to words what this expansion meant to me or to all of us. For all my rambles, rants, thirst, joys and tears in my initial reactions to this expansion, I loved every single moment and have only grown to love it even more with time.

Instead of adding a short feelings essay here, I’ll let Tomorrow and Tomorrow say it all:

“From those who’ve fallen to those who rise
A prayer to keep us ever by your side
An undying promise that we just might
Carry on in a song

Pray don’t forget us, your bygone kin
With one world’s end does a new begin
And should our souls scatter unto the wind
Still we shall live on

Stand tall, my friend
May all of the dark deep inside you find light again
This time, tumbling, turning we make amends
Eternal winds from the land ascend
Here to lift us that we won’t end”

See you in our next adventure! ❤️

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00:00 – Rook intro
04:01 – Zenos fight
15:08 – Post-duel CS
21:16 – Of Scions & Credits
30:31 – Starring the WoL
32:42 – Pray Return to the Rising Stones
1:19:30 – Epilogue
1:25:49 – EW MSQ Complete!

FINAL FANTASY XIV ©2010 – 2020 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license.


21 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker Playthrough | Zenos Duel & Epilogue | MSQ Part 36 FIN”

  1. birb daughter came home, that made me tear up right away when I caught sight of her. Only minion I ever use because, to me, it's canonically her and WoL keeps an eye on her, although she doesn't leave bird form anymore, and just listens now.

  2. I honestly wish there was an option after Zenos gave his speech about us looking for something in eachother I could have just turned and walked away and left him there. He was so outside of my interest that I forgot he existed any time he wasn't on screen. He was basically the Silence from Doctor Who. Our fight in Ala Mhigo was the most important day of his life. For me, it was a Tuesday.

  3. Elidibus appears on screen with his very distinct voice that we've been hearing for months the whole of the patch quests after Shadowbringers
    Rook: "I think it's Lahabrea?"
    🤦 Rook pls

  4. We've had this talk in Discord more than once, but I definitely think Zenos's comments about you as his mirror is a way for them to reference the point they were trying to make — Zenos is you. Zenos is the Warrior of Light, if the Warrior of Light didn't form connections or bonds or friendships with the people we met along the way. If we'd continued on our way, simply seeking challenge for the sake of challenge, we would have eventually lost the true joy of life – that the little things and the other people around us are what gives us contentment and meaning.

    And I think in his final moments, Zenos came to realize the truth of that, even if he couldn't feel it himself – I firmly believe he's the one that reached out into the sea of dynamis and bought the teleporter back to us – because he knew that we had people waiting for us, we value life, and we should continue on.

  5. I've watched so many POVs of the Endwalker campaign at this point and I still get feels for so many of the scenes along the way. Rook knows so much more about the lore than the vast majority of the people I've seen though (even the lore nerds I follow lol), so it was so much fun to watch this one! Subbed fo sho.

  6. Dammit… What a fine work. Specially loving your Estinien and Dadcred VA <3
    Yet English is not my first language, your comment/va/jokes feel so pleasant to ear, and really clear.
    I dare to say this is my favorite msq VA to the date, so thanks for the upload 🙂
    Welcome to the club of those who can't play this masterpiece again, trying to live it again vicariously trough others (?)
    All the blessings and good vibes to you, Rook ~

  7. I think the most compelling thing about watching this unfolding adventure here, was the connection with the characters and the interest in the story. I've watched a fair few number of streamers go through the game, and Endwalker in particular, but it seems very few of them actually connect with it. I'm not casting any shade at anyone, but it feels all the more engaging to watch someone become invested with the story and its characters.

    Remembering the voices, the callbacks, becoming attached so when something happens, or you see them again it's all the more meaningful. I've seen people that watched the Ultima Thule sacrifices like 'oh well, guess they're gone, haaaaay chat!', and I've seen others summon Emet and Hyth and be like 'Neat… so anyway…' and it just really deflates those moments.

    That's why we watch these in the end, isn't it? Because an experience resonated with us, and now we want to see it resonate with another, and relive it through them. Well done.

  8. I found the battle with Zenos at the end so tedious and out of place, which I suppose is a fitting end for him since that's basically his character in a nutshell. To me his placement in the story as the final note makes no sense. I just didn't get the whole mirror thing– it doesn't seem earned or actually filled out in the story. To me it would have been perfect to just wake up on the ship after speaking with Meteion. I can only guess they did this due to the popularity of his character.

  9. I took that final scene with Zenos as Zenos's dying wish. He exhales for the last time and stops breathing and then the teleporter drops down and teleports us out. That Zenos's dying wish, was for us to survive.

  10. Zenos never had anyone looking out for him, he doesn't know friends, family and love. And he really hasn't changed much at all as a character, but STILL his biggest wish was for you to live on in the end. He literally manifested a teleporter out of thin air, that's how strong his dymanis was. He wanted you to live on more than you did yourself, more than your friends, more than anyone.

  11. Venat: "You, who are our future… Tell me this, and tell me true… Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwhile?"

    Zenos: "What of you, my mirror? Born of this world, bestowed name, bid to seek out strife and adventure… Was this life a gift…or a burden? Did you find…fulfillment?"

    Interesting that the woman you love to pieces and the man who you want in pieces (although punching him repeatedly was satisfying enough) both echo words concerning your welfare with regards to your travels.

    Seriously, what is this game? 😆🥰

  12. Zenos is a twisted and simple answer to Hermes and Meteion. If life is boring and doesnt make sense, find your own interest and stick to it till the end. Kinda autistic or even psychopathic but eh, that's Zenos for ya. A popular theory is he manifested the teleport device through dynamis with his dying breath, making him the last "friend" to sacrifice himself to let you advance, albeit he prolly won't be back.

  13. Zenos is the foil to the player. He’s the evil WoL. He has the right of it calling you out for the self serving reasons that you became an adventurer in the first place and continued the path to here for about a decade. Your base drives are the same.

    The two very definitely fought to the death several times at the end and were able to go all out thanks to dynamis. The only reason we survived and he did not was our friends.


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