FFXIV Endwalker – Part 24 (Lv 87) – Thou Must Live, Die and Know! I never cried so much in any other video game before. Everyone must play this masterpiece.
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Wow 😭😭
Thanks for the reaction. Still can't watch this without watery eyes.
One of the real hits is when Emet says goodbye to Hythlodaeus, you see the first start of the slump in his posture.
EDIT: it's also rough to realize her "injuries" through the ages are most likely the results of the Rejoinings, or other times she stepped in front of death for us, like protecting us from Ultima.
Everything going totally quiet for the last of the lyrics, "In the same fleeting moment thou must live, die, and know." Peak fiction. Ship it. Based af.
Between Venat's speeches and those of the twins, so much truth was dropped that Endwalker should be compulsory gaming in most high schools or universities.
Wish they didn't nerf the colors of the sundering scene but I get why