FFXIV Endwalker: Level 90 Dark Knight Guide (How To Series) Opener, Rotation, Stats & Playstyle

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Dark Knight Guide, includes Opener, rotation, stat priority, gearing and playstyle.

0:00 Intro
1:08 Offensive Skills
10:12 Defensive Skills
13:13 Utility Skills
18:50 Opener and Rotation Breakdown
20:57 Dungeon Examples & Important Advice
22:44 Stats Priority & Gearing
25:09 Outro and Closing Thoughts

Welcome to the 4th entry of my “how to” series, in this series we will be covering EVERY single job Final Fantasy 14 has to offer and I will be personally challenging myself to learn all the jobs to the highest level and provide guides for you guys during my journey. So join me on my journey and together we shall learn them all to the highest level!

The video may not be as short as my previous guides but I can assure you I nail most if not every point I could think of when playing a DRK, I’ve mained the tank role for 8+ years since the start of ARR and have had plenty of tanking experience so I really wanted to make sure this was RIGHT. If you have any feedback or need any help with these guides then please do leave them in the comments below and I would be happy to reply.

Opener: https://ffxivrotations.com/3ffk

A lot of this is my own research but I couldn’t of done it without the help of the resources provided in the Balance discord, so props to the brains over there.

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#ffxiv #endwalker #guide


7 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker: Level 90 Dark Knight Guide (How To Series) Opener, Rotation, Stats & Playstyle”

  1. I really hope that DRK gets hit with a Monk-level rework cause I want to like it, but it has WAY too many buttons that need to be fixed or even outright axed. But, I also kinda doubt it'll ever get one cause despite how bad it feels, people will still worship this damn job to hell and back JUST because of TBN.

  2. when healing Walking Dead as Ast, I always try to have Synastry on them when I see that 'red hourglass' by the Drk in the party list

    I'll place Aspected prior to 'walking dead' activating…then benific 2 + ED (before the initial benific is registered), another benific 2 + intersection after that. Busy work, yes…but that healing rotation for Walking Dead is money for me when Ast.

  3. I've been a DRK main since I hit heavensward, and I absolutely love this job. But I do think it's not in a great place, and is due for a rework. I got invited to a static at the start of Endwalker, and I'm really excited to do high level content for basically the first time ever, but my healers asked me not to play DRK due to living dead and rough solo mits. I'm currently playing PLD, but it's not really working for me, so I might try levelling WAR to give it a shot.

    Ultimately, I still love this job, I absolutely still think it has a place at all levels of play, but I do think that its issues are more glaring than ever before with the other tanks getting so much better. Hopefully someday it'll get fixed so I can main it again in more than just Frontline

  4. And I love Drk as tank…that was before fflogs numbers started showing its damage. But in comparison to what other tanks got, Dark Knight was neglected in the self sustain dept.

    TBN is good…but no changes to it since last xpac. War/Gnb equivalent of TBN mitigates similarly like TBN does, doesn't feel bad when said mitigation 'doesn't break,' gives some sort of self heal….and both have longer durations. Haven't tried Pld yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if Sheltron is now similar to that as well.

    Living Dead/Walking Dead…unchanged and Drk still at mercy of healers that probably just rather let you die and swiftcast raise you with weakness unless Benidiction is on their hotbar. Holmgang/Superbolide…both durations increased to 10 secs.

    Not sure if Dark Knight would get a rework, but it does need better self sustain options. It's invuln being able to outright kill you if you don't have proper hp restoration in a certain amount of time, should have been reason enough for Dark Knight to receive that a long time ago.

    Bleeding edge raiders seduced by nice numbers on fflogs and casuals forever praising TBN….not sure if Yoshi P and crew will get the message that Drk needs what's mentioned above, so not holding my breath.

  5. Main drk since day one, say allot skill we did have that got removed could be useful to drk toolkit now. Bloodweapon need to be a stack, AD need be updated as use be great aoe heal skill. play drk in pvp, not kidding pvp DRK is how drk should play in PVE. Give a look, see what I mean.

    Still drk main, still in same static and hubyb a healer so always easier call out for LD. But know may be fight need to swap to my other tanks.

    Overall i feel DRK got neglected or dev team haven't play DRK to know glaring issues. Recent found out Yoshi very unaware how bad DRK is currently, wasn't inform about problems being posted.


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