FFXIV Endwalker – Level 90 Bard Job Thoughts

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41 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – Level 90 Bard Job Thoughts”

  1. One thing I don't think you explicitly mentioned was the change of songs from being spells to abilities. When they were spells their recast was reduced by Army's which meant the rotation was actually a lot less rigid (one of your complaints) so it was possible to adjust song alignment during fights, and that dying was much easier to recover from (one of the previous big pros to being a bard versus dancer or machinist).

  2. I definitely feel like they're going to be removing most dots across the board; I think they said there were too many before and it was actively said it was becoming a problem for their coding. I would love for them to make a new class or two that specialized in dots, like an Alchemist or a Warlock, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just removed them for simplicity and never added new ones.

  3. Dot classes are my favorite archetype as well and it really saddens me they seem to be going away from the dot centric DPS. Summoner lost ALL dots and bards dots are just there now. I used to play Shadow priest in WoW and it was a big part of its idenity so I just naturally gravitate to dot DPS and it kinda sucks they seemingly are going away.

  4. It's super awkward conceptually to have the "DoT job" have no mechanics/actions related to DoTs (Iron Jaws being a refresh aside). DoTs not proccing songs is one thing, that while I don't fully like, I can at least understand the reasoning why. But then you have things like making sidewinder a flat potency instead of variable based on 1 or 2 DoTs up, that just leave me scratching my head when it doesn't make a huge impact either way given SW's CD length, yet it adds to the job identity being more muddled.

    They really need to pick a direction and fully commit to it when it comes to BRDs DoTs.

    It's the only really awkward part left on the job design.

  5. i agree with happy's point of wanting DoT focused classes but i feel that the job fantasy of "bard" and "summoner" aren't really connected to DoTs so id like to see a new job focused on DoTs and with the dev teams thoughts when making reaper a maiming job its likely in my opinion that one of the jobs in the next expansion will be a scouting and there lies the chance for a DoT based job maybe saboteur (i know speculating on 7.0 jobs this early into 6.0 is basically useless)

  6. As a person who experienced all the same frustrations with shadowbringers bard, I respectfully disagree. I don’t think that tying the song procs to dots made the job more enjoyable – it made it a headache. Additionally, I’m okay with the half-bloodletter procs. A few less buttons to click means I can focus on the fight more and stare at my hotbars less – if they wanted to make mage’s ballad stronger again, just increase potency of bloodletter. That said, I do agree that they should revert the apex arrow/blast arrow window to 30 seconds. Thanks for the video!

  7. Sound takes. I think most people are in the general "there's a lot to like, but a lot of problems" boat.

    I'd be stunned if any sort of DoT proc came back though, just because it seems very unlike SE. The best we can hope for is probably we get cut down to Caustic as a lone DoT, and Iron Jaws and/or Stormbite are redesigned in a way that interacts with it somehow.

    As much as anything, I don't understand what stopped SE from making the call on removing DoT procs much, much earlier – it's not like there was any surprising new feedback after the media tour that could have prompted it. Most of the issues with the kit feel like SE simply not having time to complete the rework as properly as they normally would.

  8. I am glad I like BRD again, my "og" SB main. Stuck on melee for the first tier but I know I will main BRD at some point this expansion… if they do not manage to rework and break it for some reason.

  9. I've been maining Bard ever since I started the game and honestly always loved it. It was actually the only class I had leveled for a long time xD. I share your feelings and changes you would like to see and glad to see you on the job! 🙂

  10. My theory for making Bard's Repertoire stay focused on DoTs without making them rely on DoT ticks specifically would be to make Repertoire rolls happen when using a weaponskill on a DoT'd target. Obviously proc rates would have to be adjusted to account for a 2.5-2.4s GCD, but eh, you still know when it rolls and you can play around that.

    Speaking of procs, I find the single 80% roll to be enough to where it has some RNG but doesn't feel too inconsistent. Bard's Repertoire procs in Shadowbringers (and I think Stormblood's, from what foggy memories I have of that) felt way too volatile and uncontrollable for my liking. In the back of my mind, I always worried about wasting procs from either overcapping Pitch Perfect, losing it near the end of Wanderer's Minuet, or having Bloodletter "refresh" while still off of cooldown (oops, used Empyrean right when Mage's Ballad procced, goodbye 150 potency).
    Lastly, using DoTs in dungeons without an equivalent of SMN's Bane to spread it felt wrong to me, and once your DoT'd enemy died, you now had no Repertoire for the rest of the pack, and so had to waste time reapplying your single target DoTs.

  11. It's funny, but a lot of people (myself included) have somehow ended up back on their ARR mains after all these years. In my case it's Summoner, even though it's far from perfect it's been a lot of fun to play.

  12. Man, I feel the same way about the class as you said. For me it's definitely the dot interaction and mage's ballad proc that kind of lost me for Bard. To me, that felt like its identity and now it feels lost with the new song procs. It makes the repertoire procs feel… rigid or slow. The class doesn't feel active with dots anymore

  13. Personally, I hope they just chop the DoTs and focus in on songs, psychic-ish kind of mind affecting abilities like a traditional Bard and really focus in on songs, support and loads of arrows and procs. I think the issue they keep running into with DoTs is just that the jobs they put the most focus on them with, don't match so they are forced to split focus with something else and it makes both seem forced together and weaker than they should be, why Dancer completely overshadowed Bard in ShB and SMN was always either way too strong or way too weak and clunky. I'd rather just see them introduce a true DoT job in the next expansion and go ham with the DoTs and debuffs there.

  14. I don't like bard.. reasons.
    Its not a archer.
    Its opener the worst where you need have a different bar just make it work.
    The upkeep. Dots, songs. Need drop the third song because why..
    Bad rng

    Truthfully, I think Bard needs a rework.

  15. what you could do with the DoTs is make the base proc chance 40 or 50%, and the song will have a higher chance of giving a proc for each DoT that's currently ticking (by 10, 15, or 20%, I'm not a math wizard so I don't know what would work out the best) up to a maximum of 100%. Just a thought I had while listening to your ideas.

  16. I like Bard, but i wish more MMOs gave us an actual bard like Rift did. I like support classes, add some buffs and do a bit of DPS as well, i know Rift is dead but i still love the way the Bard class was set up in that game

  17. Biggest loss to me is that BRD has lost the crown of being the most fun dungeon class by a country mile. DoTing the pull as we run and then puking out rain of death like candy was the reason I leveled the class in the first place, so I feel that's kinda been lost from the class now. It feels more consistent, but that means a lot of the fun madness was lost as well.

  18. My friend and I did a countdown to change to the job we were least looking forward to leveling up and we both picked bard lol. While she was away I got it to 90 and I can't tell you how strange it is to really enjoy bard again. I don't think it'll be replacing machinist in my heart but god the changes feel extremely good

  19. No
I love how the dots don’t fuck up the songs anymore. Like we cleaned our ears and now can hear our own songs and just benefit off procs normally now. So you’re kind of on your own with that bud

  20. ALSO to add that I use wanderers, then army, then mages ballad. I love the fact dots don’t effect songs anymore cause when I’m not in battle or have a dot up, then my song gauge is still building. Which to me is very helpful in a passive way. So no I don’t agree. I respect your opinions tho
everything else tho I mainly agree with frfrđŸ™ŒđŸŸ


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