FFXIV Endwalker: Get 600ilvl FAST & Make Gil

Hey guys, today I have a FFXIV Endwalker guide, wasn’t sure what to title this since you can make gil, max your tomes & upgrade gear FAST with Hunt Trains.

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18 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker: Get 600ilvl FAST & Make Gil”

  1. Before going on your first hunt, learn how to use party finder. Most party’s in hunt trains are already full and cannot invite you even if you spam LFG 100 times. Simply type /pfinder, find The Hunt tab on the top, join a party if there is one and create a party if there isn’t.

  2. How many Sacks of Nuts does this usually net? Also, about how often do these monsters appear, are they continuous or is there a prime time?
    No way I have time or skill for Savage raiding, so upgrading Radiant gear is about my only option.

  3. I think party finder is useful to find hunts but understanding how it works is something else!
    Actually, I play on JP servers and though I have some decent understanding of the language, I still struggled to find how to communicate in the game. I think that would be a good idea for a video; I started almost a year ago now, and I still have trouble communicating with people outside of my FC. Between the "auto quote" ("like "nice to meet you" etc…that I guess are translated in other languages for other people?), the "yell" and "shout" channel (which distance does it reaches??), party finder etc…As a wow refugee where I was used to the system (that Im sure is also confusing for any new player), here, without any tradechat to help solve some basic issues, you tend to bury your unanswered questions under the rug, since you dont know who to ask and you end up missing very useful stuff.


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