Okay, Bunbois are pretty cool, I admit.

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9 thoughts on “FFXIV Endwalker – ERENVILLE IS BEST BOY”

  1. The flowers you're recalling being associated with Moenbryda are the Nymeia Lillies placed at the Scholar's stone in her remembrance at the end of 2.5. They don't have special significance for Moenbryda specifically, either. Rather, they're a flower often placed in memory of the dead.

  2. Y'know, between the experimental teleportation lady and Y'shtola's toad trick, I'm starting to think Sharlayan has trouble with the concept of 'informed consent'. Which is my way of saying STOP DOING RANDOM THINGS TO ME WITHOUT EXPLAINING!!!

  3. It was at this point I learned of the level of detail the frog movement animations have in Gpose.

    Also can I just say it's nice to see characters being, well, smart about things.

    Erenville wanting to trust in the Forum but for one, made his stance clear about the Gleaner working conditions instead of just blindly believing in them. As well as putting some faith in us to sniff out the truth, even if he wasn't like sticking his neck out and just mostly not tattling on us.

    G'raha looking into something almost unrelated but it ending up making a key connection as to the Forum's Duty to fulfill.

    And Montichaigne, while being one of the entire Forum to agree that their duty took priority over aiding Eorzea, acknowledging and making the point clear to everyone that being secretive and silent to people wanting to know what's going on isn't always going to result in everyone around them just going along with it. That they need to consider the fact that being stubborn about it isn't going to work with everyone.

    It's just lovely to see people know what they're doing, and not everything happening or going wrong is a result of people just stubbornly idiotic.


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